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Service Priorities and Programmes                                                             HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2015

Poster Presentations
SPP-P2 – Staff Empowerment

Location Name              Post            Institution                       Topic of Presentation
                                                                             Empowering Nursing Care through Developing
SPP-P2.1 KK AU             Ward Manager    Department of Medicine and        Standardised Care Plan in Haematology Unit
                                           Geriatrics, Princess Margaret

SPP-P2.2 KK AU             Ward Manager    Department of Medicine and        Enhancing Chemotherapy Safety by Effective Pre-
                                           Geriatrics, Princess Margaret     chemotherapy Assessment

SPP-P2.3 CHAN Yiu-sin      Registered      Operating Room, United            Moving Peri-operative Patient Education and
                           Nurse           Christian Hospital                Assessment Services into a Video-animated Era

SPP-P2.4 CHAN Tsz-mim Associate            Department of Medicine            Promotion of End-of-life Care: Conduction and
Jasmine                    Consultant      and Geriatrics, Our Lady of       Evaluation of an Educational Series
                                           Maryknoll Hospital

SPP-P2.5 CHAN Yin-ling     Advanced        Department of Paediatrics and     Nursing Strategy on Prevention of Hyperoxia in
                           Practice Nurse  Adolescent Medicine, United       Neonate
                                           Christian Hospital

SPP-P2.6 YK CHAN           Advanced        Cardiac and Intensive Care Unit, Medication Safety Management in Cardiac and
                           Practice Nurse  Ruttonjee and Tang Shiu Kin       Intensive Care Unit (CICU)

SPP-P2.7 LY CHEUNG         Advanced        Department of Obstetrics          Midwives’ View on Different Birth Positions in Their
                           Practice Nurse  and Gynecology, Queen Mary        Working Environment

SPP-P2.8 CHEUNG Shuk- Advanced             Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Wet Hair Washing Procedure to Enhance Patient
fun Practice Nurse Unit, Prince of Wales Hospital Comfort and Hygiene in Intensive Care Unit

SPP-P2.9 CHOI Priscilla    Advanced        Department of Neurosurgery,       A One-stop Combined Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)
                           Practice Nurse Queen Elizabeth Hospital           Clinic

SPP-P2.10 CHUEN Ying-to    Advanced        Department of Anaesthesia and Recovery Room Nurse-led Discharge (NLD) Service
                 Jonathan  Practice Nurse  Intensive Care, Prince of Wales in Prince of Wales Hospital Operating Theatre

SPP-P2.11 HO Hoi-lam       Registered      Department of Obstetrics and      A Pilot Study on the Effectiveness of Obstetric
                           Nurse           Gynaecology, Pamela Youde         Simulation Training Programme for Student Midwives
                                           Nethersole Eastern Hospital

SPP-P2.12 SM IENG          Advanced        Tuberculosis and Chest            Equipment Puzzle
                           Practice Nurse Medicine, Grantham Hospital

SPP-P2.13 KWOK Andy        Manager         Quality and Safety Division, New Promotion of Staff Safety Awareness and Knowledge
                                           Territories West Cluster          on Medication Safety through a Medication Safety

SPP-P2.14 LAI Ching-ting   Registered      Department of Medicine and        An Innovative Simulation Approach: An Enhancement
                           Nurse           Geriatrics, United Christian      and Empowerment Programme in Pressure Ulcer
                                           Hospital                          Management in Geriatrics Setting for Newly
                                                                             Graduated Nurses

SPP-P2.15 KC LAM           Resident        Department of Radiology,          Electronic Duty Roster System for Radiologists
                                           Queen Mary Hospital

SPP-P2.16 LAM Cecilia      Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy Department,       New Thoughts for the Old Problem — Instilling
                                                   Queen Elizabeth Hospital  Health and Vigor in the Management of Chronic Low
                                                                             Back Pain with Clinical Pilates

SPP-P2.17 CO LEUNG         Advanced        Psychogeriatric Team, Kwai        Life Story Work — a Recovery-oriented Practice in
                           Practice Nurse Chung Hospital                     the Care of Psychogeriatric Clients

SPP-P2.18 LAW Elza         Registered      General Adult Psychiatry, Castle Enhancing Staff Well-being and Injury-on-duty (IOD)
                           Nurse           Peak Hospital                     Preventing in A102 Long Stay Ward, Castle Peak

SPP-P2.19 WK LEE           Nurse           Department of Surgery, Queen Train the Trainer — Pressure Ulcer Wound
                           Consultant      Mary Hospital                     Assessment and Management

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