Page 45 - HA Convention 2015
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Service Priorities and Programmes                                                                         HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2015

Speed Presentations                                                              15:45–16:15 Room S224–S225
Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Location Presentation Name       Post                 Institution                Topic of Presentation
SPP-P5.24            MAK         Psychologist         Clinical Psychology        Mirror Therapy for Phantom Limb Pain and
                     Amanda                           Department, MacLehose      Sensation
                                                      Medical Rehabilitation

SPP-P5.25            MAK         Clinical             Clinical Psychology        Developing a Goal-directed, Outcome-
                     Amanda      Psychologist         Department, MacLehose      driven and Time-limited Neuropsychological
                                                      Medical Rehabilitation     Rehabilitation Programme

C SPP-P5.27          MOK Joyce Clinical               Department of Clinical     Effectiveness of Time-limited Floortime
                                        Psychologist  Psychology, United         Group Training Programme in Enhancing
                                                      Christian Hospital         Dyadic Reciprocity between Parents and
                                                                                 Their Preschoolers on Autistic Spectrum

SPP-P5.28            NG Terrence Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy Department, New Impact of Physiotherapy Management
                                                      Tuen Mun Hospital          to the Children with Congenital Talipes
                                                                                 Equinovarus (CTEV) – a Preliminary Result

SPP-P5.30            WC NG       Unit Manager         Community Care Service, End-of-life (EOL) Programme in Residential
                                                      Queen Mary Hospital        Care Homes: Perception of Family Members

                                Post                 Institution                  15:45–16:15 Room S226–S227

 Location Presentation Name                                                      Topic of Presentation

SPP-P2.10            CHUEN       Advanced             Department of Anaesthesia Recovery Room Nurse-led Discharge
                     Ying-to     Practice Nurse       and Intensive Care, Prince (NLD) Service in Prince of Wales Hospital
                     Jonathan                         of Wales Hospital          Operating Theatre

SPP-P5.36            TONG Pui-lin Registered          Department of Paediatric   Multidisciplinary Scar Management for
                                        Nurse         and Adolescent Medicine    Infants after Primary Surgical Repair of Cleft
                                                      and Department of          Lip: A Prospective Study
                                                      Surgery, United Christian

          SPP-P5.38  WAN Sylvia  Advanced             Department of              Setting up the 96 Hours Dry Pump Circuitry
D                                Practice Nurse       Cardiothoracic Surgery,    for Emergency Open Heart Surgery
                                                      Queen Mary Hospital

SPP-P5.39            YAM Kevin Occupational           Occupational Therapy       A Pilot Vocational Peer Support Specialists
                                        Therapist I   Department, Kwai Chung     Training Programme in Hospital-based
                                                      Hospital                   Setting – Job Buddies Training Programme
                                                                                 (JBTP): Its Effectiveness and Implications

SPP-P5.40            YEUNG Tin-  Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy Department, Effects of Whole Body Vibration (WBV)
                     lo Victor                          Haven of Hope Hospital in Patients with Chronic Obstructive
                                                                                              Pulmonary Disease (COPD) under Extended
                                                                                              Care Conditions – a Randomised Controlled

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