Page 44 - HA Convention 2015
P. 44

HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2015  Service Priorities and Programmes

                                    Speed Presentations                                                           15:45–16:15 Room S222–S223
                                    Tuesday, 19 May 2015
                                                                                                                Topic of Presentation
                                    Location Presentation Name      Post             Institution                Effective Resources Management: Alternate
                                                                    Consultant       Division of Nephrology,    Night Nocturnal Home Haemodialysis is
                                    SPP-P3.34            HL TANG                     Department of Medicine     Recognised as an Optimal Schedule for
                                                                                     and Geriatrics, Princess   Hong Kong – a Multicentre Study
                                                                                     Margaret Hospital

                                    SPP-P3.36            TSANG Wai-yi Ward Manager   Department of Medicine     Care Coordinator Programme – a Solution
                                                                                     and Geriatrics, United     of Reducing Avoidable Readmissions
                                                                                     Christian Hospital

                                              SPP-P3.38  WONG Dilys Advanced         Department of Surgery,     Interventional Radiological Nurse Clinic:
                                    A                               Practice Nurse Tuen Mun Hospital            One-stop Service in Arrangement and
                                                                                                                Preparation for Liver Cancer Patients

                                    SPP-P5.32            KM Resident                 Department of Paediatrics  Touchscreen Communication Aid (TSCA)
                                    SPP-P5.33            BELARAMANI Specialist       and Adolescent Medicine,   – an iPad-based Programme Enables
                                    SPP-P4.16                                        Tuen Mun Hospital          Dialogue When Encountering Clients with
                                                                                                                Language Barrier

                                                         SIT Lok-mun Occupational    Occupational Therapy       A Preliminary Evaluation: Robot-assisted
                                                         Kitty      Therapist II     Department, Shatin         Therapy using PARO for Elderly with
                                                                                     Hospital                   Cognitive Decline or Dementia with
                                                                                                                Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of
                                                                                                                Dementia (BPSD) in Shatin Hospital

                                                         KWOK Sim- Ward Manager      Department of Quality and Strategies to Reduce Transcription Errors in
                                                         ching Belinda               Safety, Alice Ho Miu Ling New Territories East Cluster
                                                                                     Nethersole Hospital

                                    SPP-P4.17            POON YH    New Territories  Physiotherapy Department, Evaluation of a Seven-year Return-to-Work
                                                         Priscilla  West Cluster     Tuen Mun Hospital          Cognitive Behavioural-based Physiotherapy
                                                                    Cluster                                     Back Rehabilitation Programme
                                                                    Tuen Mun

                                    B SPP-P4.20          CK LEE     Advanced         Central Sterile Supplies   How is Process Control Performed in a
                                                                    Practice Nurse   Department, Tuen Mun       Surgical Instrument Reprocessing Centre to
                                                                                     Hospital                   Enhance Patient Safety?

                                    SPP-P4.21            LEE Carmen Optometrist      Ophthalmology              Training and Accreditation of Optometrists
                                                                                     Department, Queen Mary     for Diabetic Retinopathy Screening in Hong
                                                                                     Hospital                   Kong

                                    SPP-P4.24            LEUNG Janet Advanced        Department of Medicine,    Introduction of Bundle Strategies to
                                                                    Practice Nurse Tseung Kwan O Hospital       Reduce Catheter Associated Bloodstream
                                                                                                                Infection (CABSI) in Patients Undergoing
                                                                                                                Haemodialysis Catheter Insertion

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