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Service Priorities and Programmes                                                                         HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2015

Poster Presentations
SPP-P3 – Clinical Safety and Quality Service I

Location Name             Post                        Institution                     Topic of Presentation

SPP-P3.20 LEE Monica      Ward Manager                Department of Ophthalmology,    Nurse-led Postoperative Evaluation of Uneventful
                                                      United Christian Hospital       Cataract Surgery: A Crossover Randomised
                                                                                      Controlled Study

SPP-P3.21 KK LEUNG        Clinical                    Department of Clinical          Psychological Correlates of Goal Achievement in
                          Psychologist                Psychology, Tung Wah Hospital Day Rehabilitation Programme for Stroke Patients in
                                                                                      Tung Wah Hospital

SPP-P3.22 KK LEUNG        Clinical                    Department of Clinical          Clinical Psychological Treatment Targeted to
                          Psychologist                Psychology, Tung Wah Hospital Depressive Patients in a Regional Geriatric Day
                                                                                      Hospital in Hong Kong

SPP-P3.23 LEUNG Lai-fong Occupational                 Occupational Therapy            Application of Lean Management in Improving Aids
Teresa                    Therapist I                 Department, Prince of Wales     Loan Service Efficiency in Occupational Therapy
                                                      Hospital                        Department

SPP-P3.24 YN LEUNG        Advanced                    Department of Obstetrics and    Effectiveness of Lactation Consultant Support on
                          Practice Nurse              Gynaecology, Kwong Wah          Exclusive Breastfeeding Prevalence after Discharge

SPP-P3.25 LI Suk-yin Crystal Nurse                    Department of Surgery, Prince   To Compare the Length of Stay (LOS) for
                                          Consultant  of Wales Hospital               Hospitalisation of Robotic-assisted Radical
                                                                                      Cystectomy between with Enhancement Recovery
                                                                                      after Surgery (ERAS) and without ERAS

SPP-P3.26 LIU Shao-haei   Chief Manager               Department of Infection,        Experience Sharing on Hospital Authority’s Medical
                                                      Emergency and Contingency,      Reconstruction Projects in Sichuan
                                                      Quality and Safety Division,
                                                      Hospital Authority Head Office

SPP-P3.27 LUI Gilbert     Nurse                       Department of Surgery, Pamela Pilot Study of Trial Wean off Urinary Catheter
                          Consultant                  Youde Nethersole Eastern        Programme in the Hong Kong East Cluster
                                                      Hospital                        Community Setting

SPP-P3.28 LUI Miranda     Ward Manager                Department of Paediatrics and   Evaluation of Paediatric Warning Score (PEWS)
                                                      Adolescent Medicine, Tseung     Implementation in a General Paediatric Ward
                                                      Kwan O Hospital

SPP-P3.29 WP MAK          Advanced                    Depatment of Orthopaedics and Peri-operative Measures for Minimising Prolonged
                          Practice Nurse Traumatology, Yan Chai Hospital Hospitalisation of Total Joint Replacement Patients

SPP-P3.30 MAN Cathy       Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy Department,                 Community Ambulation Training Programme for
                                                  Tuen Mun Hospital                   Enhancing the Elderly with Safe Outdoor Ambulation

SPP-P3.31 NG Katherine    Clinical                    Department of Clinical          Post-traumatic Stress Reactions after a Motor
                          Psychologist                Psychology, Caritas Medical     Vehicle Accident: Exploration of Possible Unmet
                                                      Centre                          Mental Health Needs

SPP-P3.32 KH POON         Senior Medical              Department of Paediatrics and Computerised Prescription for Parenteral Nutrition
                          Officer                     Adolescent Medicine, Tuen Mun for Young Infants is a Clearer and Safer Option to
                                                      Hospital                        Hand-written Orders

SPP-P3.33 POON Priscilla  Cluster Co-                 Physiotherapy Department,       Establishment of a Normative Database of Drivers’
                          ordinator/                  Tuen Mun Hospital               Job Demand for a Valid Functional Assessment of
                          Department                                                  Fitness for Driving

SPP-P3.34 HL TANG         Consultant                  Division of Nephrology,         Effective Resources Management: Alternate Night
                                                      Department of Medicine and      Nocturnal Home Haemodialysis is Recognised as
                                                      Geriatrics, Princess Margaret   an Optimal Schedule for Hong Kong – a Multicentre
                                                      Hospital                        Study

SPP-P3.35 TSANG Ka-wai    Advanced                    Department of Medicine and      A Patient Care Enhancement Programme to
                          Practice Nurse Geriatrics, Shatin Hospital                  Reduce Hospital-acquired Methicillin-resistant
                                                                                      Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) Infections

SPP-P3.36 TSANG Wai-yi    Ward Manager                Department of Medicine and      Care Coordinator Programme – a Solution of
                                                      Geriatrics, United Christian    Reducing Avoidable Readmissions

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