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HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2015  Service Priorities and Programmes

                                    Poster Presentations
                                    SPP-P2 – Staff Empowerment

                                    Location Name            Post                             Institution                      Topic of Presentation

                                    SPP-P2.20 LEUNG SF Tomcy Nurse                            Department of Paediatrics and    An Art-jamming Reunion Party for the Little Survivors
                                                                              Consultant      Adolescent Medicine, Queen       and the Advanced Nutritional Support Team of
                                                                                              Mary Hospital                    Queen Mary Hospital

                                    SPP-P2.21 LEUNG Natalie  Associate                        Department of Intensive Care,    The Development of Simulation Training for Doctors
                                                             Consultant                       Pamela Youde Nethersole          and Nurses in Community Outpatient Clinic
                                                                                              Eastern Hospital

                                    SPP-P2.22 PY LEUNG       Registered                       Department of Clinical           Nursing Challenges on Chinese Medicines (CM)
                                                             Nurse                            Oncology, Tuen Mun Hospital      Administration Under Integrated Chinese Western
                                                                                                                               Medicine (ICWM) Pilot Programme in Cancer
                                                                                                                               Palliative Care Setting

                                    SPP-P2.23 LEUNG Wai-man Advanced                          Department of Surgery, Shatin    An Unprecedented Reform “Lean Management”
                                                                              Practice Nurse  Hospital                         on Clinical Handover in the Department of Surgery,
                                                                                                                               Shatin Hospital

                                    SPP-P2.24 LO Wing-hang   Registered                       Wards and Day Facilities, United An Enhancement Programme for Nurses to Deliver
                                                             Nurse                            Christian Hospital               Radioisotope for Video Electroencephalogram (EEG)
                                                                                                                               Single Photon Emission Computerised Tomograph

                                    SPP-P2.25 NG Celia       Nurse Specialist Medicine and Geriatrics, Tuen                    A Tailor Made Day-care Model for Thalassemia
                                                                                     Mun Hospital                              Patients in Tuen Mun Hospital/New Territories West

                                    SPP-P2.26 NGAN Adrian    Registered                       Operating Theatre, Ruttonjee     Promotion of Evidence-based Nursing among
                                                             Nurse                            and Tang Shiu Kin Hospitals      Surgical Departments

                                    SPP-P2.27 HO Wai-fan     Department                       Nursing Services Division        Enhancement of Organisational Caring Culture
                                                             Operation                        and Surgery, Pamela Youde        among Nursing Staff: A Five Years’ Experiences
                                                             Manager                          Nethersole Eastern Hospital

                                    SPP-P2.28 SO Tak-yee     Advanced                         Department of Medicine and       Production of 13 Educational i-videos to Promote
                                                     Tammy   Practice Nurse                   Therapeutics, Prince of Wales    Clinical Insulin Safety in New Territories East Cluster

                                    SPP-P2.29 SUN Wai-ling   Advanced                         Accident and Emergency           The Standardisation (a Structured Approach) of the
                                                             Practice Nurse                   Department, United Christian     Nursing Handover in Enhanced Observation Ward
                                                                                              Hospital                         (EOW) in United Christian Hospital

                                    SPP-P2.30 WONG Lai-yi    Associate                        The Jockey Club School of        How to Empower Staff in the Process of
                                                     Eliza   Professor                        Public Health and Primary Care,  Accreditation: From Staff’s Perspectives
                                                                                              The Chinese University of Hong

                                    SPP-P2.31 TAM Samantha   Advanced                         Combined Endoscopy Unit,         ROSES: Rotation of Operating Theatre Staff for
                                                             Practice Nurse                   Ruttonjee and Tang Shiu Kin      Enhancement of Endoscopic Skills Programme

                                    SPP-P2.32 TONG Chui-mei  Senior Nursing                   Central Nursing Division, Prince Preparedness of Nurses for the Safe Implementation
                                                             Officer                          of Wales Hospital                of Inpatient Medication Order Entry System in an
                                                                                                                               Acute Hospital

                                    SPP-P2.33 TSANG Claudia Senior                            Physiotherapy Department,        To Facilitate Early Mobilisation of Stroke Patients
                                                             Physiotherapist Queen Mary Hospital                               through Empowerment of Healthcare Workers

                                    SPP-P2.34 LM WONG        Registered                       Department of Surgery,           U CAN Preceptorship Programme
                                                             Nurse                            Ruttonjee and Tang Shiu Kin

                                    SPP-P2.35 WONG Ivy       Speech                           Department of Speech Therapy, Feeding Skills Training Programmes for Patient Care
                                                             Therapist                        Tuen Mun Hospital                Assistants (PCA) in New Territories West Cluster

                                    SPP-P2.36 YY WONG        Advanced                         Medicine and Geriatrics, Tuen The Effect of Ownership Development on Falls
                                                             Practice Nurse Mun Hospital                                       Prevention in Rehabilitation Setting

                                    SPP-P2.37 YIM Yammie     Advanced                         Infection Control Team, United   Improve Hand Hygiene Compliance via Multi-
                                                             Practice Nurse                   Christian Hospital               pronged Approach Including Implementation of
                                                                                                                               Staff-owned Programmes

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