Page 54 - HA Convention 2015
P. 54

HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2015  Service Priorities and Programmes

                                    Poster Presentations
                                    SPP-P3 – Clinical Safety and Quality Service I

                                    Location Name         Post           Institution                      Topic of Presentation
                                                                                                          Discharge Programme in Neurosurgical Ward
                                    SPP-P3.37 KH WONG     Registered     Department of Neurosurgery,
                                                          Nurse          Princess Margaret Hospital

                                    SPP-P3.38 WONG Dilys  Advanced       Department of Surgery, Tuen      Interventional Radiological Nurse Clinic: One-stop
                                                          Practice Nurse Mun Hospital                     Service in Arrangement and Preparation for Liver
                                                                                                          Cancer Patients

                                    SPP-P3.39 YU Chung-tsang Deputising Nurse Nursing Services Division,  A Review of Efficacy of Nurse-led Transient Ischemic
                                                          Consultant     United Christian Hospital        Attack Clinic in United Christian Hospital
                                                          (Stroke Care)

                                    SPP-P3.40 SH WONG     Consultant     Department of Orthopaedics How are We Doing in the Management of Fragility
                                                                         and Traumatology, The Chinese Hip Fractures in Hong Kong? – an Interim Analysis of
                                                                         University of Hong Kong          the Management of 1,000 Patients

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