Page 46 - HA Convention 2015
P. 46

HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2015  Service Priorities and Programmes

                                    Poster Presentations
                                    SPP-P1 – Patient Empowerment

                                    Location Name             Post                           Institution                       Topic of Presentation

                                    SPP-P1.1 AU YEUNG On Manager                             Patient Relations and             Patient Experience and Satisfaction Survey in Hong
                                                                                             Engagement, Hospital Authority Kong – a Tool to Engage Staff and Patients for
                                                                                             Head Office                       Quality and Patient-centred Care

                                    SPP-P1.2 CHAN Andy        Social Work                    Community and Patient             Nurturing Patient Support Group Towards
                                                              Assistant                      Resource Department, Pamela       Independence – an Example of Community
                                                                                             Youde Nethersole Eastern          Engagement

                                    SPP-P1.3 CHAN Chung- Advanced                            Department of Surgery, North How Can the Empowered Survivors Help to Improve
                                    sze Angela                Practice Nurse                 District Hospital                 the Quality of Breast Cancer Care?

                                    SPP-P1.4 CHAN Choi-ying Advanced                         Department of Medicine, North Automated Patient Instruction on Telemonitoring
                                                                             Practice Nurse  District Hospital                 Reduces Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
                                                                                                                               (COPD) Patients’ Exacerbation Rate

                                    SPP-P1.5 CHAN Judy        Occupational                   Occupational Therapy              Evaluation of the Treatment Effectiveness of Self-
                                                              Therapist I                    Department (Integrated            management Programme for Patients with Elbow
                                                                                             Rehabilitation Services), Tseung  Epicondylitis
                                                                                             Kwan O Hospital

                                    SPP-P1.6 CHAN Denis       Physiotherapist II Physiotherapy Department,                     Enhancing Physiotherapy Treatment Effectiveness
                                                                                       Ruttonjee and Tang Shiu Kin             for Patients with Computer Work-related Neck Pain
                                                                                       Hospitals                               by Workstation Analysis, Electromyograph (EMG)
                                                                                                                               Biofeedback and Patient Empowerment

                                    SPP-P1.7 LF CHEUNG        Advanced                       Department of Neurosurgery,       Neurosurgical Rehabilitation Enhancement
                                                              Practice Nurse                 Tuen Mun Hospital                 Programme: Multidisciplinary Spasticity
                                                                                                                               Management Programme in New Territories West

                                    SPP-P1.8 CHEUNG           Occupational                   Occupational Therapy              “Beauty: Outside-in” – a Pilot Study on the
                                                     Domnina  Therapist I                    Department, Kowloon Hospital      Effectiveness of the Beauty and Well-being Group
                                                                                                                               on the Self-esteem and Psychosocial Well-being of
                                                                                                                               Women after Stroke

                                    SPP-P1.9 CHEUNG Yin-      Registered Nurse Department of Medicine and                      Starting Care at the PEEP of Rheumatoid Arthritis –
                                                     shuen                             Geriatrics, United Christian            a Patient Education and Empowerment Programme

                                    SPP-P1.10 SY CHIU         Nurse Specialist               Department of Paediatrics and     Effectiveness of an Integrated Adventure-based
                                                                                             Adolescent Medicine, Queen        Training and Health Education Programme in
                                                                                             Mary Hospital                     Promoting Regular Physical Activity among
                                                                                                                               Childhood Cancer Survivor

                                    SPP-P1.11 LF HO           Midwife                        Department of Obstetrics and Factors Influencing the Maternal Choices of Infant
                                                              Consultant                     Gynaecology, Princess Margaret Feeding Immediately Postpartum

                                    SPP-P1.12 LF HO           Midwife                        Department of Obstetrics and Do We Need to Follow The Royal College of
                                                              Consultant                     Gynaecology, Princess Margaret Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (ROCG) Guideline
                                                                                             Hospital                          on Fetal Movement Counting?

                                    SPP-P1.13 HUI Suki        Occupational                   Occupational Therapy              The Miracle of Art: Promoting Mood and Quality of
                                                              Therapist I                    Department, Cheshire Home,        Life for the Long Stay Residents in Cheshire Home
                                                                                             Chung Hum Kok

                                    SPP-P1.14 SY KONG         Resident                       Department of Paediatrics,        A Six-month Team Marathon Programme to
                                                                                             Kwong Wah Hospital                Improve Health Outcomes in Overweight and Obese
                                                                                                                               Adolescents: A Cohort Study with Controls

                                    SPP-P1.15 LAM Isa         Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy Department,                      Anthropometric Designed Neuromuscular
                                                                                       Queen Elizabeth Hospital                Restoration Programme for the Management of
                                                                                                                               Shoulder Impingement Syndrome – a Pilot Study

                                    SPP-P1.16 LAM Becky       Physiotherapist I              Physiotherapy Department          Clinical Disease Activity Index (CDAI) – an Easy
                                                                                             (Integrated Rehabilitation        Guide for Physiotherapist to Formulate Stage-
                                                                                             Services), Tseung Kwan O          appropriate Patient-empowerment Programme for
                                                                                             Hospital                          Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

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