Page 52 - HA Convention 2015
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HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2015  Service Priorities and Programmes

                                    Poster Presentations
                                    SPP-P3 – Clinical Safety and Quality Service I

                                    Location Name           Post             Institution                        Topic of Presentation
                                                                                                                Evaluation of One-stop Clinic for Patients with
                                    SPP-P3.1 KH AU          Resident         Ophthalmology Department,          Chronic Floaters
                                                                             Tung Wah Eastern Hospital

                                    SPP-P3.2 KY CHAN        Associate        Palliative Medical Unit,           Effect of Renal Palliative Care (RPC) on Caregiver’s
                                                            Consultant       Grantham Hospital                  Burden – a Randomised Controlled Trial

                                    SPP-P3.3 CHAN Sandy     General Manager Department of Nursing, Hong         Routine Nutritional Screening upon Admission
                                                            (Nursing)        Kong Buddhist Hospital             and Early Detection of Malnutrition Risk with
                                                                                                                Standardised Nutritional Screening Tool

                                    SPP-P3.4 CHAU Menda     Occupational     Occupational Therapy               The Effectiveness of Pressure Relieving Function of
                                                            Therapist I      Department, Wong Chuk Hang         Hospital Mattress, Ripple Mattress with Alternating
                                                                             Hospital                           Air Insert and Visco Elastic Foam Mattress for
                                                                                                                Infirmary Patients in Wong Chuk Hang Hospital

                                    SPP-P3.5 CHAU Stanley   Occupational     Department of Occupational         A Retrospective Review to Examine the Effectiveness
                                                            Therapist I      Medicine Clinical Services,        of the Work Rehabilitation Programme in Princess
                                                                             Princess Margaret Hospital,        Margaret Hospital
                                                                             Kowloon West Cluster

                                    SPP-P3.6 CHENG Bik-wan Advanced          Department of Surgery, Shatin Fall Prevention – Put It a Focus Problem
                                                            Practice Nurse Hospital

                                    SPP-P3.7 CHENG Shuk-    Advanced         Department of Paediatrics,         Improvement in Oral Care in Paediatric and Neonatal
                                                     man    Practice Nurse Prince of Wales Hospital             Intensive Care (PNICU)

                                    SPP-P3.8 SY CHEUNG      Advanced         Department of Medicine and         Manual Telephone Reminders to Improve Attendance
                                                            Practice Nurse   Geriatrics, TWGHs Fung Yiu         Rate of Geriatrics Day Hospital
                                                                             King Hospital

                                    SPP-P3.9 CHIU MF Elica  Senior           Radiology Department, Tung         The Usefulness of Color Doppler Ultrasound to
                                                            Radiographer     Wah Hospital                       Assess the Functionality of Arterio-venous Fistulas

                                    SPP-P3.10 CHOI Kate     Senior Manager Quality and Safety Department, Queen Mary Hospital Percutaneous Coronary
                                                                             Queen Mary Hospital                Intervention (PCI) Programme – the Quality Journey
                                                                                                                to International Benchmarking

                                    SPP-P3.11 WC CHONG      Registered       Surgery Department, Queen          Fast Track to Triage High Risk Patients in Vascular
                                                            Nurse            Elizabeth Hospital                 Nurse-led Clinic

                                    SPP-P3.12 FUNG Hedy     Advanced         Department of Obstetrics and       Two-year Experience in the Implementation of
                                                            Practice Nurse   Gynaecology, Queen Elizabeth       Gynaecology Cancer Case Manager Programme

                                    SPP-P3.13 GANGWANI Rita Medical Officer  Ophthalmology Department,          Quality Assurance in Diabetic Retinopathy Screening
                                                     Anil                    The University of Hong Kong/       Programme in Hong Kong
                                                                             Queen Mary Hospital

                                    SPP-P3.14 L HO          Advanced         Surgery Department, Queen          Ten Years’ Experience in the Development of
                                                            Practice Nurse Elizabeth Hospital                   Surgical Nurse Clinic (Vascular Care)

                                    SPP-P3.15 HO Bessie     Pharmacist       Pharmacy Department, Princess Pharmacy Medication Safety Subcommittee
                                                                             Margaret Hospital                  Initiative: Redesign and Standardisation of Drug
                                                                                                                Shelving and Labelling

                                    SPP-P3.16 YC HO         Associate        Radiology Department, Queen        Nuclear Medicine Radioactive Waste Management
                                                            Consultant       Mary Hospital                      System: Sharing the Experience of Safe Practice in
                                                                                                                Queen Mary Hospital

                                    SPP-P3.17 IP Snowball   Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy Department,         Application of Ventilator Hyperinflation as
                                                                                    Princess Margaret Hospital  Physiotherapy in Intensive Care Unit

                                    SPP-P3.18 NF KOON       Advanced         Department of Orthopaedic          Service Enhancement through Introducing of
                                                            Practice Nurse   and Traumatology, Queen Mary Ambulatory Care at Orthopaedic and Traumatology
                                                                             Hospital                           Nurse Clinic in Queen Mary Hospital

                  SPP-P3.19 CM LAM                          Occupational     Occupational Therapy               To Compare the Effectiveness of Four-week Upper
                                                            Therapist I      Department, Tuen Mun Hospital      Extremity Home Programmes for Patients with
50                                                                                                              Stroke Discharged from Rehabilitation Stroke Unit of
                                                                                                                Tuen Mun Hospital
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