Page 48 - HA Convention 2015
P. 48

HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2015  Service Priorities and Programmes

                                    Poster Presentations
                                    SPP-P1 – Patient Empowerment

                                    Location Name           Post            Institution                                    Topic of Presentation
                                                                                                                           Patient Empowerment Programme – Using Peer
                                    SPP-P1.35 WONG Cherie   Occupational    Occupational Therapy                           as Expert to Enhance Recovery and Illness
                                                            Therapist II    Department, United Christian                   Management for the Clients with Mental Illness

                                    SPP-P1.36 WONG Lai-yi   Associate       The Jockey Club School of                      Hospital-based Patient Satisfaction and Experience
                                                     Eliza  Professor       Public Health and Primary Care,                Survey
                                                                            The Chinese University of Hong

                                    SPP-P1.37 WONG Yuen-    Advanced        Department of Medicine and                     Improvement for Reducing Incidence of Hickman
                                                     shing  Practice Nurse  Geriatrics, United Christian                   Catheter Reinsertion in Haematology Unit

                                    SPP-P1.38 WS YEUNG      Registered Nurse Department of Cardiothoracic                  Empowering Patients Who Have Prosthetic Valves to
                                                                                     Surgery, Queen Mary Hospital          Reduce Warfarin-related Complications: Developing
                                                                                                                           an Evidence-based Patient Education Guideline on
                                                                                                                           Warfarin Management

                                    SPP-P1.39 YUEN Shuk-yee Registered Nurse Operating Room, United                        Maternal-Infant Affection: Skin-to-skin Contact
                                                                                                       Christian Hospital  (SSC) During Elective Caesarean Section in Delivery
                                                                                                                           Operation Theatre

                                    SPP-P1.40 CHIN KH Robert Consultant     Gynaecology and Obstertrics 如何利用網絡平台、手機移動客戶端加強醫患之間溝通
                                                                            Department, The University of
                                                                            Hong Kong-ShenZhen Hospital

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