Page 47 - HA Convention 2015
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Service Priorities and Programmes                                                                              HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2015

Poster Presentations
SPP-P1 – Patient Empowerment

Location Name           Post                             Institution                        Topic of Presentation

SPP-P1.17 WM LAU        Advanced                         General Adult Psychiatry, Castle Role Change from Service User to Service Provider:
                        Practice Nurse                   Peak Hospital                      My Buddy Project

SPP-P1.18 LEE Shuk-ha   Social Work                      Health Resource Centre, Prince Winter Health Programme – a Warm Stream in Winter
                 Clare  Assistant                        of Wales Hospital

SPP-P1.19 LEE Pik-fan   Nursing Officer                  Department of Medicine and         Effectiveness of a Rheumatology Nurse Follow-up
                                                         Geriatrics, United Christian       Programme in Achieving the Desired Target Serum
                                                         Hospital                           Urate Levels for Patients with Gouty Arthritis

SPP-P1.20 LEE Harry     Physiotherapist II Physiotherapy Department,                        A Six-year Evaluation of a Pre-operative and Post-
                                                 Tuen Mun Hospital                          operative Empowering Physiotherapy Programme for
                                                                                            Patients with Lumbar Pathologies

SPP-P1.21 LEUNG Carmen Advanced                          GAP Exiters Hostel, Castle Peak Empowerment Can Be Simple and Easy – Recovery
                                         Practice Nurse  Hospital                           Group as Routine Practice in a Psychiatric Inpatient

SPP-P1.22 WONG Lai-yi   Associate                        The Jockey Club School of          Patient Engagement Study
                 Eliza  Professor                        Public Health and Primary Care,
                                                         The Chinese University of Hong

SPP-P1.23 KH LI         Advanced                         Department of Cardiothoracic       Home Monitoring of International Normalised Ratio
                        Practice Nurse                   Surgery, Queen Mary Hospital       (INR) for Patients Implanted with Left Ventricular
                                                                                            Assist Devices (LVAD)

SPP-P1.24 LO Choi-fung  Ward Manager                     Department of Psychiatry, Tai      Self-regulation of Emotional Distress: Comfort Plan
                                                         Po Hospital                        and Comfort Room (New Territories East Cluster
                                                                                            Quality of Care Project)

SPP-P1.25 LO Ada        Senior                           Occupational Therapy               “Strength Sparkles 才能再現 ”: A Recovery-oriented
                        Occupational                     Department, Kowloon Hospital       Project to Empower Patients with Mental Illness
                        Therapist                                                           to Explore, Develop and Share Their Strength and
                                                                                            Abilities with Others

SPP-P1.26 NG Vincent    Occupational                     Occupational Therapy               Empowerment of Patients with Severe Spinal Cord
                        Therapist I                      Department, MacLehose              Injury (SCI) for Community Settlement through
                                                         Medical Rehabilitation Centre      Occupational Therapy Intervention

SPP-P1.27 NG Sze-ka     Registered Nurse Department of Paediatrics and                      Family-centred Care Project in Paediatric Triage
                                                 Medicine, United Christian                 Ward

SPP-P1.28 POON Athina   Occupational                     Occupational Therapy               Life Functioning Enhancement Programme for
                        Therapist I                      Department, United Christian       Palliative Care Patients – a Pilot Study
                                                         Hospital                           Occupational Therapy Department and Department
                                                                                            of Medicine and Geriatrics United Christian Hospital

SPP-P1.29 YUEN Po-wa    Advanced                         Department of Respiratory          Local Experience of a Patient-centred
                        Practice Nurse                   Medicine, Kowloon Hospital         Multidisciplinary Self-management Programme for
                                                                                            Chronic Lung Diseases

SPP-P1.30 LO Norman     Registered Nurse General Adult Psychiatry, Castle Promoting Self-help Strategy by the Use of Quiet
                                                         Peak Hospital                      Room in Local Psychiatric Unit

SPP-P1.31 D SUEN        Advanced                         Community Nursing Service,         Hospital@Home Care for Heart Failure Patients:
                        Practice Nurse                   Princess Margaret Hospital         Virtual Ward Project in Princess Margaret Hospital

SPP-P1.32 WM CHUNG      Registered Nurse Department of Obstetrics and                       Effectiveness of Antenatal Massage Programme in
                                                 Gynaecology, Kwong Wah                     Late Pregnancy, Child Birth and Breastfeeding

SPP-P1.33 TAO Kevin     Physiotherapist II Physiotherapy Department,                        Applying Self-efficacy Theory to Improve Exercise
                                                 Ruttonjee and Tang Shiu Kin                Adherence in Phase II Cardiac Rehabilitation
                                                 Hospitals                                  Programme

SPP-P1.34 VONG Yee-ping Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy Department,                         One-year Review of Long-term Oxygen Therapy
                                                                   North District Hospital  among Respiratory Patients

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