Page 43 - HA Convention 2015
P. 43

Service Priorities and Programmes                                                                     HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2015

Speed Presentations                                                                     10:15–10:45 Room S224–S225
Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Location Presentation Name       Post                Institution                        Topic of Presentation
                                 Chief of
SPP-P5.18            KC LEE      Service             Pathology Department,              Using Electronic Ordering and Tracking to
                                                     Princess Margaret Hospital         Improve Anatomical Pathology Laboratory
                                                                                        Workflow Efficiency

SPP-P5.19            LEE Mianne  Occupational        Occupational Therapy               Prevalence of Sarcopenia in Hong Kong
                                 Therapist I         Department, Caritas Medical Chinese Geriatric Hip Fracture Patient and
                                                     Centre                             Its Correlation

          SPP-P5.20  LIU CF Sally Occupational       Occupational Therapy               The Effectiveness of a Functional Ask
C                                       Therapist I  Department, United                 Exercise Programme on People at Risk
                                                     Christian Hospital                 of Alzheimer Disease – a Randomised
                                                                                        Controlled Trial

SPP-P5.21            YN LEUNG    Advanced            Department of Obstertrics          The Effect of Intensive Lactation Support
                                 Practice Nurse and Gynecology, Kwong                   on Exclusive Breastfeeding Prevalence in
                                                     Wah Hospital                       Neonatal Intensive Unit

SPP-P5.22            LI Yuet-    Advanced            Department of Surgery, Tuen The Evolution of Newly Designed Abdominal
                     sheung      Practice Nurse Mun Hospital                            Binder to Reduce Psychosomatic Disorder
                                                                                        by Multidisciplinary Collaboration

                                Post                Institution                          10:15–10:45 Room S226–S227

 Location Presentation Name                                                             Topic of Presentation

SPP-P4.33            WAI Jessica Advanced            Operating Theatre, Tuen            Enhancement Programme in Patient
                                 Practice Nurse Mun Hospital                            Positioning for Surgery

SPP-P4.39            WONG Wai- Advanced              Department of Surgery,             Fall Prevention Programme by VATIC
                     yin Practice Nurse North District Hospital

          SPP-P6.32  TONG        Physiotherapist I   Physiotherapy Department,          Enhancement Programme of the
D                    Man-ching                       Hong Kong Buddhist                 Physiotherapy Outpatient Appointment
                     Joanne                          Hospital                           Booking System for Better New Case

SPP-P6.35            WANG Qiao- Occupational         Occupational Therapy               Factors Affecting Mortality and Hospital
                     ling Therapist II               Department, Kowloon                Admissions after Hip Surgery among Elderly
                                                     Hospital                           Patients in Hong Kong – Review of a Three-
                                                                                        year Follow-up

SPP-P6.38            YAN Tsz-mei Registered Nurse Department of Medicine                Care of Patients with Difficulties in Verbal
                                                                and Geriatrics, United  Expressions – a Digital Communication
                                                                Christian Hospital      Card

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