Page 49 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
P. 49

Service Enhancement Presentations

               Speed Presentations

               Wednesday, 17 May 2017                                          15:45 – 16:15 Room S222-S223

                Location  Presentation  Name  Post        Institution          Topic of Presentation
                         F-P3.13   CHEUNG Sze- Pharmacist  Department of Pharmacy,   Evaluation of Standardised Parenteral   HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2017
                                   tik                    Kwong Wah Hospital   Nutrition for Neonates at Kwong Wah

                         F-P3.16   FUNG Brigitte  Physiotherapist I  Physiotherapy Department,   A Retrospective Study on the Efficacy of an
                                                          Kwong Wah Hospital   Early Physiotherapy Intervention Programme
                                                                               in the Treatment of Blocked Milk Ducts in
                                                                               Lactating Women

                         F-P3.20   JIM Chung-ho  Occupational   Occupational Therapy   ReLIFE – an Integrated Recovery and
                                              Therapist I  Department, Tai Po Hospital  Lifestyle Redesign Programme for
                   A                                                           Psychiatric In- and Day-patients in Tai Po

                         F-P3.26   LAU Muk-mau Registered Nurse Department of   Nursing Strategies in Recognising and
                                                          Cardiothoracic Surgery,   Responding to Early Signs of Clinical
                                                          Queen Mary Hospital  Deterioration among Thoracic Surgical
                                                                               Patients by Using Modified Early Warning
                         F-P3.28   LEUNG Po-  Ward Manager  Accident and Emergency   Fx O 2  Cylinder – a Safe Way to Manual
                                   shan Melissa           Department, Princess   Handling Operation
                                                          Margaret Hospital

                                                                               15:45 – 16:15 Room S224-S225
                Location  Presentation  Name  Post        Institution          Topic of Presentation

                         F-P4.31   MAK Yuen-  Ward Manager  Central Nursing Division,   Systematic Approach to Enhance Clinical
                                   man Kitty              Prince of Wales Hospital  Supervision of Temporary Undergraduate
                                                                               Nursing Student in New Territories East

                         F-P4.32   NG Po-chu  Occupational   Occupational Therapy   An Innovative Approach for Sacral Ulcer
                                              Therapist I  Department, Prince of Wales  Prevention: An Evidence-based Practice

                         F-P4.34   PANG Shu-  Ward Manager  Community Psychiatric   Improving Clinical Efficiency and
                                   leung                  Service, Castle Peak   Effectiveness through Development of
                                                          Hospital             a Web-based Information Management
                                                                               System in Community Psychiatric Service,
                                                                               New Territories West Cluster
                         F-P4.38   TAM Kwok-  Senior Nursing   Nursing Service Division,   Safe Handling and Effective Specimen
                                   hang       Officer     Tuen Mun Hospital    Transport Programme in New Territories
                                                                               West Cluster

                         F-P5.27   LI Kin-wa   Physiotherapist I  Physiotherapy Department,   High-intensity Interval Training and Its
                                   Frederick              Queen Elizabeth Hospital  Application in Stable Coronary Artery
                                                                               Disease Patients

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