Page 46 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
P. 46

Service Enhancement Presentations
            Speed Presentations

            Tuesday, 16 May 2017                                             15:45 – 16:15 Room S226-S227

             Location  Presentation  Name  Post         Institution         Topic of Presentation
                      F-P5.2    CHAN Hoi-  Associate    Medicine, Queen Elizabeth   Tele-consultative Service for Renal Palliative
                                wong       Consultant   Hospital            Care Patients – a Pilot Study in Queen
                                                                            Elizabeth Hospital

                      F-P5.4    CHAN Ka-ho  Advanced    Psychiatry, United Christian   A Community Collaboration Programme
                                           Practice Nurse  Hospital         with Non Governmental Organisations in
                                                                            Screening and Intervention for Suspected
                                                                            Youth Substance Abusers

                      F-P5.5    CHAN Kit-ping Nurse Consultant  Child and Adolescent   Implementing the Social Competence
                C                                       Psychiatric Team, Kwai   Training in Child and Adolescent Mental
                                                        Chung Hospital      Health in Child Psychiatric Nurse Clinic of
                                                                            Kwai Chung Hospital: An Evaluation Study

                      F-P5.8    CHEUNG Pan  Occupational   Occupational Therapy   Enable the Disabled – Use of 3D Printing
                                           Therapist I  Department, Kowloon   Technology in Occupational Therapy

                      F-P5.11   CHOI Ching-  Physiotherapist I  Physiotherapy, North District  Impact of Virtual Reality Rehabilitation in
                                man Tiffany             Hospital            Improving Balance, Mobility and Exercise
                                                                            Motivation of Patients in Acute Wards

                                                                                  15:45 – 16:15 Room S228

             Location  Presentation  Name  Post         Institution         Topic of Presentation

                      F-P5.38   WONG Kwok-  Associate   Orthopaedics and    Joint-sparing Surgery in Paediatric and
                                chuen      Consultant   Traumatology, Prince of   Young Adult Patients with Bone Sarcoma of
                                                        Wales Hospital      Lower Extremities

                      F-P5.44   YIP Kam-tong  Occupational   Occupational Therapy   An Update on the Development of Person-
                                Stanley    Therapist I  Department, Tuen Mun   Environment-Occupation Fall Prevention
                                                        Hospital            Checklist

                      F-P8.18   KWOK Yick-  Manager     Quality and Safety Division,   Development of Key Risk Indicators for
                                ting Andy               Tuen Mun Hospital   Effective Monitoring of Incident Trends and
                D                                                           Risks Performance

                      F-P8.20   LAU Sin-ting  Registered Nurse Central Nursing Division, The  Preliminary Results of the Effectiveness of
                                                        Duchess of Kent Children’s   a Clinical Pathway for Adolescent Idiopathic
                                                        Hospital at Sandy Bay  Scoliosis in The Duchess of Kent Children’s
                                                                            Hospital at Sandy Bay

                      F-P8.23   CHAN Pui-sze  Occupational   Occupational Therapy,   Effectiveness of Bowen Therapy on Pain
                                Casie      Therapist I  Prince of Wales Hospital   Relief and Functional Improvement in
                                                                            Patients with Tennis Elbow: A Randomised
                                                                            Controlled Trial

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