Page 48 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
P. 48

Service Enhancement Presentations
            Speed Presentations

            Wednesday, 17 May 2017                                          10:15 – 10:45 Room S226-S227

             Location  Presentation  Name  Post         Institution         Topic of Presentation
                      F-P5.13   DAO Man-chi  Resident   Family Medicine and Primary  Can Mobile Phone Short Message Service
                                                        Health Care, Princess   Reminders Reduce Non-attendance of
                                                        Margaret Hospital   Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Appointments in a
                                                                            General Outpatient Clinic?
                      F-P5.14   HO Ching-man Occupational   Occupational Therapy,   Occupational Therapy for Pain Management
                                           Therapist I  Queen Elizabeth Hospital  in Primary Care Setting: A Psychosocial

                      F-P5.15   HO Ka-ki   Resident     Department of Orthopaedics  Decrease Blood Loss in Total Knee
                C                          Specialist   and Traumatology, Pok Oi   Replacement with Topical Tranexamic Acid

                      F-P5.17   IP Mei-lun   Physiotherapist I  Physiotherapy Department,   STarTback Approach of Group Rehabilitation
                                Ellen                   Prince of Wales Hospital  Programme for Medium and High
                                                                            Psychosocial Risk in Chronic Low Back Pain
                      F-P5.18   IP So-ha   Nurse Specialist  Department of Rehabilitation,  Outcome of Pre-discharge Mouth Care
                                Catherine               Kowloon Hospital    Programme for Caregivers of Immobile Tube-
                                                                            feeding Patients with Cognitive Deficits

                                                                                  10:15 – 10:45 Room S228

             Location  Presentation  Name  Post         Institution         Topic of Presentation

                      F-P3.24   LAM Ming-  Senior Nursing   Nursing Services Division,   Quality of Care Project in New Territories
                                sang       Officer      Tuen Mun Hospital   West Cluster to Enhance Patient Data
                                                                            Privacy and Strengthen Infection Control

                      F-P6.20   LAM Kee-see  Associate   Department of Paediatrics,   Little Life Warrior Society: Working
                                Grace      Consultant   Prince of Wales Hospital  Together to Win the Battle against Cancer,
                                                                            Living a Better Life and Giving Back to the

                D     F-P6.24   LEUNG Mei-lin Ward Manager  Department of Psychiatry,   Consumer Partnership on Cultural Diversity
                                                        Kowloon Hospital    Project

                      F-P6.31   NG Ventura   Senior Medical   Outpatient Department,   Flourishing Health Cascade – an Innovative,
                                Lorna      Officer      Kwong Wah Hospital  Inter-generational Health Promotion

                      F-P6.37   TONG Pui-lin  Registered Nurse Department of Paediatrics   Ways to Enhancing Timely Management of
                                                        and Adolescent Medicine,   Paediatric Dermatology New Case Triage
                                                        United Christian Hospital   through Information Technology

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