Page 45 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
P. 45

Service Enhancement Presentations

               Speed Presentations

               Tuesday, 16 May 2017                                            15:45 – 16:15 Room S222-S223

                Location  Presentation  Name  Post        Institution          Topic of Presentation
                         F-P2.23   LAI Wai-him  Enrolled Nurse  Central Sterile Supply   Interactive Dashboard in CSSD: Improve   HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2017
                                                          Department & Theatre Sterile  Communication with No Extra Resources
                                                          Supply Unit, United Christian

                         F-P2.40   WONG Heung- Advanced   Central Nursing Division, Yan  Cultivating a Caring Seed – We Care Our
                                   yee Rita   Practice Nurse  Chai Hospital    Patient and Staff as Well (荃仁齊關顧)

                         F-P2.42   WONG Yuk-lin Senior Nursing   Central Nursing Division,   Collaborative Lean Programme to Offer a
                   A                          Officer     Prince of Wales Hospital  Fast Track Employment for Supporting Staff

                         F-P3.2    CHAN Chi-  Occupational   Occupational Therapy   Develop and Integrate a Computerised Bar
                                   kwong      Therapist I  Department, Shatin Hospital Code System to Enhance the Efficiency of
                                                                               Aids Loan Service Provision

                         F-P3.3    CHAN Lee-  Senior      Physiotherapy, Tuen Mun   The Effectiveness of Targeted Treatment
                                   chun Julie  Physiotherapist  Hospital       Pathway of a Comprehensive Patient-
                                                                               empowered Active Back Programme for Low
                                                                               Back Pain Patients in Tuen Mun Hospital

                                                                               15:45 – 16:15 Room S224-S225

                Location  Presentation  Name  Post        Institution          Topic of Presentation

                         F-P3.45   YUNG Pollina   Advanced   Cardiothoracic Surgery,   New Era in Aortic Surgery Using Selective
                                   Elaine     Practice Nurse  Prince of Wales Hospital  Antegrade Cerebral Perfusion and Moderate
                                                                               Hypothermia at the Prince of Wales Hospital

                         F-P4.2    WONG Yuen-  Centre-in-charge Community and Patient   Effectiveness of Community Partnership for
                                   yung Rebecca           Resource Centre, Pamela   End-of-Life Care Service to Chronic Patients
                                                          Youde Nethersole Eastern

                   B     F-P4.3    CHAN Man-yi  Nurse Consultant  Paediatrics and Adolescent   Neonatal Hypothermia Following
                                              (Neonatal Care)  Medicine, Princess Margaret  Intrahospital Transport within First Day of
                                                          Hospital             Life: Greater Awareness and Action Needed

                         F-P4.6    CHANG Choi-  Pharmacist  Pharmacy, Ruttonjee and   Effectiveness of Pharmacist-led Frail Elderly
                                   man                    Tang Shiu Kin Hospitals  Medication Service in Acute Geriatric Ward

                         F-P4.7    CHEN Jason  Pharmacist  Department of Pharmacy,   A Multi-disciplinary Antimicrobial
                                                          Tseung Kwan O Hospital  Stewardship Programme to Improve the
                                                                               Appropriate Use of Antimicrobials

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