Page 47 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
P. 47

Service Enhancement Presentations

               Speed Presentations

               Wednesday, 17 May 2017                                          10:15 – 10:45 Room S222-S223

                Location  Presentation  Name  Post        Institution          Topic of Presentation
                         F-P1.30   LO Kai-fai   Physiotherapist I  Physiotherapy, Queen   A Multi-disciplinary Group Rehabilitation   HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2017
                                   Vincent                Elizabeth Hospital   Programme for Enhancing the Management
                                                                               of Patients with General Musculoskeletal
                         F-P1.32   AU Kwai-kam  Ward Manager  Medical and Geriatrics   Reducing Clinical Admission to Inpatient
                                                          Department, Princess   Ward through Centralised Booking System
                                                          Margaret Hospital

                         F-P1.33   NG Sau-loi  Nurse Consultant Department of Surgery,   Evaluate the Outcome of Developing a
                                                          Queen Mary Hospital  Clinical Pathway on Male Acute Urinary
                   A                                                           Retention in the Accident and Emergency
                                                                               Department and Urology Centre

                         F-P1.38   WANG Mei-  Cluster Manager  Patient Relations and   Enhancing Discharge Management of
                                   ling Janice            Engagement, Princes of   Difficult Cases through Multi-disciplinary
                                                          Wales Hospital       Collaboration and Commitment from
                                                                               Hospital Management
                         F-P3.4    CHAN Lee-  Senior      Physiotherapy, Tuen Mun   The Effectiveness of Restructuring
                                   chun Julie  Physiotherapist  Hospital       the Service Pathway with an Early
                                                                               Comprehensive Education Programme for
                                                                               Low Back Pain Patients

                                                                               10:15 – 10:45 Room S224-S225
                Location  Presentation  Name  Post        Institution          Topic of Presentation

                         F-P4.16   KWOK Man-kit Department   Nursing Services Division,   Multi-disciplinary Collaboration to Improve
                                              Operations   Tseung Kwan O Hospital  Quality Care and Reduce Patient Falls

                         F-P4.18   LAM Mei-yi  Ward Manager  Psychiatry, Shatin Hospital  Restraint Reduction Programme by
                                                                               Promotion of Person-centred Practice in
                                                                               Inpatient Care Setting

                         F-P4.20   LAU Wai-chun  Pharmacist  Department of Pharmacy,   Establishment of the Web-based Paediatric
                   B               Jenny                  Tuen Mun Hosptial    Resuscitation Calculator in Department of
                                                                               Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine in Tuen
                                                                               Mun Hospital, New Territories West Cluster

                         F-P4.22   LEE Yin-yi  Registered Nurse Department of Orthopaedics  Use of Evidenced-based Hand Hygiene
                                                          and Traumatology, United   Interventions to Enhance Hand Hygiene
                                                          Christian Hospital   Compliance

                         F-P4.25   LEUNG Wing-  Registered Nurse Orthopaedics and   H.E.A.R.T Approach for Patient Fall
                                   yi                     Traumatology, North District  Prevention in Mixed Ward, North District
                                                          Hospital             Hospital

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