Page 44 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
P. 44

Service Enhancement Presentations
            Speed Presentations

            Tuesday, 16 May 2017                                            10:15 – 10:45 Room S226-S227

             Location  Presentation  Name  Post         Institution         Topic of Presentation
                      F-P4.39   TONG Chui-  Senior Nursing   Central Nursing Division,   To Enhance Drug Administration Safety by
                                mei        Officer      Prince of Wales Hospital  Tackling the Major Contributing Factors of
                                                                            Drug Administration Incidents

                      F-P4.40   TSANG Tsz-  Registered Nurse Anaesthesia and Operating   Road to Achieve Zero Retained Surgical
                                lun                     Theatre Services, Tseung   Items Incidents – Using Artificial Intelligence
                                                        Kwan O Hospital     to Safeguard Surgical Safety in Operating

                      F-P4.41   TSE Lane   Registered Nurse Operating Theatre Services,  Quality and Safety Control: Safe Application
                                                        Queen Mary Hospital  of Liquid Nitrogen in Limb Salvage Procedure
                      F-P4.42   YEUNG Lam  Registered Nurse Surgery, Queen Mary   Early Detection and Prompt Management on
                                                        Hospital            Patients after TRUS+Bx

                      F-P4.44   YUNG Pollina  Advanced   Cardiothoracic Surgery,   Early Prediction of Hypercarbia during
                                Elaine     Practice Nurse  Prince of Wales Hospital  Cardiopulmonary Bypass: A Complication of
                                                                            CO 2  Flooding in the Surgical Field

                                                                                  10:15 – 10:45 Room S228

             Location  Presentation  Name  Post         Institution         Topic of Presentation

                      F-P5.33   SHUM Nga-  Advanced     Surgery Department, Queen  Randomised Clinical Trial of Chewing Gum
                                fan        Practice Nurse  Mary Hospital    after Laparoscopic Colorectal Resection
                      F-P5.36   WONG Hay-tai Advanced   Accident and Emergency,   E-CPR at Accident and Emergency
                                           Practice Nurse  Queen Mary Hospital  Department: Nursing Perspectives

                      F-P8.3    CHAN Wai-  Resident     Orthopaedics and    Effect of Steroid in Local Infiltration
                                kwan Vincent            Traumatology, Queen Mary   Analgesia in One-stage Bilateral Total
                                                        Hospital            Knee Arthroplasty: A Paired-randomised
                D                                                           Controlled Study

                      F-P8.12   CLANCEY    Occupational   Occupational Therapy   Raising Quality: Improving the Clinical Peer
                                Josephine   Therapist II  Department, Queen   Review Process in an Occupational Therapy
                                Clare To                Elizabeth Hospital   Department
                      F-P8.17   KWAN Chun-  Resident    Department of Family   A Pilot Multi-disciplinary Clinic Targeted
                                man        Specialist   Medicine and Primary Health  Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
                                                        Care, Yan Chai Hospital   Patients in Tsuen Wan and Lantau District
                                                                            General Outpatient Clinic

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