Page 54 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
P. 54

Service Enhancement Presentations
            Poster Presentations

            F-P2  Staff Engagement and Empowerment

             Location  Name        Post         Institution           Topic of Presentation
             F-P2.1   CHAN Suk-wan   Nursing Officer  Orthopaedic and Traumatology,  Effective Transparent Activities Schedule for
                      Amy                      The Duchness of Kent Children’s  Paediatric Orthopaedic Patients
                                               Hospital at Sandy Bay

             F-P2.2   CHAN Ching-yee  Advanced   Family Medicine and Primary   Streamline of Special Investigation Referral Process
                                   Practice Nurse  Health Care/Ha Kwai Chung   to Cater Expansion of Family Medicine Specialist
                                               General Outpatient Clinic,   Service
                                               Princess Margaret Hospital

             F-P2.3   CHAN Pui-san  Associate   Ophthalmology, Caritas Medical  Nurse Empowerment in Triage Clinic of Kowloon
                                   Consultant  Centre                 West Cluster Ophthalmology Department

             F-P2.4   CHAN Ming-fung  Department   Department of Clinical   Develop a New Fall Preventive Initiative in Oncology
                      Maggie       Operations   Oncology, Pamela Youde   Unit
                                   Manager     Nethersole Eastern Hospital

             F-P2.5   CHAU Ka-wai  Physiotherapist   Physiotherapy Department,   Evaluation of the Engagement Approach
                                   II          Kowloon Hospital       Physiotherapy Programme for Elderly Patient with
                                                                      Hip Fracture in Kowloon Hospital

             F-P2.6   CHEN Xiao-rui   Associate   Family Medicine and General   Tackling Back Pain and Neck Pain as a Disease
                      Catherine    Consultant  Outpatient Clinic, Queen   Burden in the Primary Care: Any Implications on Pain
                                               Elizabeth Hospital     Control and Quality of Life?

             F-P2.7   CHEUNG Ho-wai  Registered   Medicine and Geratrics, United   Staff Empowerment Programme: “WISH” – Survival
                                   Nurse       Christian Hospital     Kit for New Join Nurses to an Isolation Ward

             F-P2.8   CHIU Sau-heung  Advanced   Department of Cardiothoracic   The Effectiveness of Using Crew Resource
                                   Practice Nurse  Surgery, Queen Mary Hospital  Management Training to Improve Nursing
                                                                      Competency and Teamwork in Paediatric
                                                                      Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Transport

             F-P2.9   CHIU Yan-yan  Registered   Central Nursing Division/  Promoting Good Practice on Fall Prevention: Multi-
                                   Nurse       Community Assessment Service  strategy Fall Prevention Programme in Residential
                                               and Geriatric Day Hospital,   Care Homes for the Elderly
                                               Queen Elizabeth Hospital

             F-P2.10  CHOI Yuen-ho  Registered   Acute Stroke Unit, Department   Oral Hygiene Care Programme Implementation in
                                   Nurse       of Medicine and Geriatrics, Tuen  Acute Stroke Unit for Prevention of Post Stroke
                                               Mun Hospital           Associated Pneumonia

             F-P2.11  FUNG Hoi-ting  Occupational   Occupational Therapy   In-service Training Programme for Patient Care
                                   Therapist I  Department, Queen Elizabeth   Assistant in Occupational Therapy Department

             F-P2.12  FUNG Man-yee  Advanced   Cardiothoracic Surgical   Newly Recruited Nurse Empowerment – an
                                   Practice Nurse  Department, Queen Mary   Anaesthesia Training Programme in Cardiothoracic
                                               Hospital               Operating Theatre

             F-P2.13  FUNG Man-yee  Advanced   Cardiothoracic Surgical   A Prevention Programme to Reduce Sharp Injuries in
                                   Practice Nurse  Department, Queen Mary   Cardiac Operating Theatre

             F-P2.14  FUTABA Kaori  Assistant   Department of Surgery, The   Multi-disciplinary Surgical Site Infection Reduction
                                   Professor   Chinese University of Hong   Measures – a Single Centre Experience

             F-P2.15  HO Wan-sze   Associate   Department of Medicine and   Revolutionary System Remodeling to Divert Geriatric
                      Wency        Consultant  Therapeutics, Prince of Wales   Patients at the Emergency Department – Impact of
                                               Hospital               Three-year Pilot of “Geriatric at Hospital Front Door”
                                                                      Service in Prince of Wales Hospital

             F-P2.16  HUI Shi-shing   Ward Manager  Orthopaedics and Traumatology,  “Monthly Focus” – a Reminding System to Arise the
                      Philip                   North District Hospital  Nurses Awareness of the High Risks Procedures in
                                                                      Orthopaedics and Traumatology Department, North
                                                                      District Hospital

             F-P2.17  HUNG Shuk-yee  Advanced   Family Medicine and Primary   To Improve Clinic Environment and Safety by
                                   Practice Nurse  Health Care, Pamela Youde   Implementation of 5S in Wan Tsui General Outpatient
                                               Nethersole Eastern Hospital  Clinic
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