Page 51 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
P. 51

Service Enhancement Presentations

               Poster Presentations

               F-P1  Better Manage Growing Service Demands

                Location  Name        Post         Institution           Topic of Presentation
                F-P1.1   CHAN Kwong-kin Occupational   Occupational Therapy, United   Occupational Therapy for Spasticity Upper Limb   HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2017
                                      Therapist II  Christian Hospital   Rehabilitation and Botulinum Toxin Injection Service
                                                                         in United Christian Hospital

                F-P1.2   CHAN Kin-wai  Associate   Family Medicine and Primary   Credentialing and the Quality Indicator Standard of
                                      Consultant  Health Care, Princess Margaret  the Colonoscopy Performed by Family Physician
                                                  Hospital               Specialist in the Kowloon West Cluster

                F-P1.3   CHAN Ping-   Associate   Orthopaedics and Traumatology,  Integrated Care Pathway to Enhance Effectiveness of
                         keung        Consultant  Queen Mary Hospital    Joint Replacement Service and to Enhance Recovery
                                                                         through Multi-disciplinary Collaboration

                F-P1.4   CHAN Ting-him  Hospital   Supporting Services Section,   Green Quarters – iRoom in Princess Margaret
                                      Administrator II  Princess Margaret Hospital  Hospital

                F-P1.5   CHAN Yin-ling  Advanced   Paediatric and Adolescent   Addressing the Healthcare Demands: An Experience
                                      Practice Nurse  Medicine, United Christian   of Implementation of Nurse Residency Programme in
                                                  Hospital               Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

                F-P1.6   CHENG Jen-ngai  Associate   Medicine and Geriatric, Caritas   Rehabilitation Ward Multi-disciplinary Feeding
                                      Consultant  Medical Centre         Programme for Patients with Advanced Dementia

                F-P1.7   CHIM Chun-king  Nurse    Community Outreach Services   Leading Change, Adding Value: Rapid Response
                                      Consultant  Team, Prince of Wales Hospital  Community Service – an Alternative to Hospital Stay
                                                                         for Admission Diverted Geriatric Patients

                F-P1.8   FAN Sui-hung   Manager   Quality and Standards   How Do We Measure Waiting Time for Common
                         Edmond                   Department             Elective Surgery in Hospital Authority?
                F-P1.9   FAN Ying-hei  Registered   The Nethersole School of   Can Triage Nurse Initiated X-ray for Isolated Limb
                                      Nurse       Nursing, The Chinese University  Injured Patients to Decrease Their Length of Stay in
                                                  of Hong Kong           Accident and Emergency Departments?
                F-P1.10  CHAN San-wong  Ward Manager  Medicine and Geriatrics, United  Pilot Project on Rapid Response Nursing Team at
                         Aaron                    Christian Hospital     Night Time (RRNT)

                F-P1.11  FUNG Wai-man  Advanced   Department of Family Medicine,  Workflow Management to Tackle Heavy Demand in
                                      Practice Nurse  Prince of Wales Hospital  General Outpatient Clinic

                F-P1.12  HSU Yung-chak   Consultant  Orthopaedics and Traumatology,  New Guidelines in Hospital Authority for the Choice
                         Albert                   United Christian Hospital  of Implants in Geriatric Femoral Neck Fractures Help
                                                                         to Improve Short-term Functional Results

                F-P1.13  IP Yat-hong  Advanced    Community Psychiatric Service,  Improve Physical Fitness and Self-esteem of Patients
                                      Practice Nurse  North District Hospital  with Severe Mental Illness

                F-P1.14  YANG Isaac   Associate   Department of Orthopaedics   Innovative Day Rehabilitation Model for Patients after
                         Bruce        Consultant  and Traumatology, Pok Oi   Joint Replacement – Bridging the Gap

                F-P1.15  SIN Man-yee  Ward Manager  Department of Geriatrics,   Rehabilitation and Empowerment Programme for
                                                  Ruttonjee and Tang Shiu Kin   Dementia Persons

                F-P1.16  LAM Flori Chi-  Advanced   Department of Anaesthsiology   New Horizons: The Motivations, Multipliers, and Way
                         wing         Practice Nurse   and Operation Theatre Services,  Forward in Nurse-Led Acute Pain Services
                                                  Queen Elizabeth Hospital

                F-P1.17  LAM Mei-yee  Advanced    Family Medicine and Primary   Shorten the Patients’ Waiting Time for Injection
                                      Practice Nurse  Health Care, Tseung Kwan O   Service in General Outpatient Clinic through
                                                  Jockey Club General Outpatient  Workflow Redesign

                F-P1.18  LAM Wa-na    Advanced    Orthopaedics and Traumatology,  A Step Forward in Department of Orthopaedics
                                      Practice Nurse  Pamale Youde Nethersole   and Traumatology: Increase Same Day Discharge
                                                  Eastern Hospital       Rate and Further Shorten Average Length of Stay
                                                                         of Patients with Acute Low Back Pain through
                                                                         Integrated Chinese-Western Medicine Programme

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