Page 52 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
P. 52

Service Enhancement Presentations
            Poster Presentations

            F-P1  Better Manage Growing Service Demands

             Location  Name        Post         Institution           Topic of Presentation
             F-P1.19  LAW Sheung-wai  Consultant  Department of Orthopaedic   A Osteoporotic Vertebral Fracture Pathway to Bridge
                                               Rehabilitation, Tai Po Hospital  the Secondary Fracture Prevention Care Gap

             F-P1.20  LAW Sheung-wai  Consultant  Department of Orthopaedics   Multi-disciplinary Orthopaedics Rehabilitation
                                               and Traumatology, Prince of   Empowerment Programme – a New Care Model for
                                               Wales Hospital         Occupational Low Back Pain

             F-P1.21  LEE Man-man  Nurse       Community Care Division, Tuen  Feasibility and Effectiveness of Geriatric Support in
                                   Consultant  Mun Hospital           Accident and Emergency Department

             F-P1.22  LEE Man-ying  Nurse      Medical and Geriatrics, Shatin   Geriatric Front Door Programme – How the Geriatric
                                   Consultant  Hospital               Nurses Strive to Make the Best Possible Elderly Care

             F-P1.23  LEE Pik-fan  Nursing Officer  Medicine and Geriatrics, United  Rheumatology Nurse Discharge Support Programme
                                               Christian Hospital     for Rheumatic Patients – a Review and Evaluation
             F-P1.24  LEE Wing-shan   Occupational   Occupational Therapy   Hand Function Impairment in Patients with End
                      Cherry       Therapist II  Department, Pamela Youde   Stage Renal Failure
                                               Nethersole Eastern Hospital

             F-P1.25  GUAN Jing-jing  Postdoctoral   Department of Management   Modelling Hospitalisation Risk for Elderly Over Time
                                   Fellow      Sciences, City University of   to Optimise Acute Care Resource Planning for an
                                               Hong Kong              Aging Population
             F-P1.26  LEUNG Ho-wan  Associate   Medicine, Prince of Wales   The Emerging Pattern of Intravenous Immunoglobulin
                                   Consultant  Hospital               usage for Immunological Diseases of Internal
                                                                      Medicine and Paediatrics
             F-P1.27  LI Chor-man  Advanced    Specialist Outpatient   Multi-targeted Measures to Successfully Solve
                                   Practice Nurse  Department, United Christian   the Ultra-long Queue of Specialist Outpatient
                                               Hospital               Department of United Christian Hospital Surgery
             F-P1.28  LI Miu-ling  Nurse       Surgery, Tuen Mun Hospital  Nurse-led Urinary Tract Stone Triage Service: Is It
                                   Consultant                         Effective, Efficient and Economical?

             F-P1.29  LI Suk-fan   Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy, Our Lady of   Pilot Programme: Brain Health Exercise Class for
                                               Maryknoll Hospital     Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment

             F-P1.30  LO Kai-fai Vincent Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy, Queen Elizabeth  A Multi-disciplinary Group Rehabilitation Programme
                                               Hospital               for Enhancing the Management of Patients with
                                                                      General Musculoskeletal Pain

             F-P1.31  MA Hon-ming  Associate   Medicine and Therapeutics,   Geriatric Intervention Improves the Clinical
                                   Consultant  Prince of Wales Hospital  Outcomes of Elderly Patients Hospitalised with Acute
                                                                      Hip Fracture

             F-P1.32  AU Kwai-kam  Ward Manager  Medical and Geriatrics   Reducing Clinical Admission to Inpatient Ward
                                               Department, Princess Margaret  through Centralised Booking System

             F-P1.33  NG Sau-loi   Nurse       Department of Surgery, Queen   Evaluate the Outcome of Developing a Clinical
                                   Consultant  Mary Hospital          Pathway on Male Acute Urinary Retention in the
                                                                      Accident and Emergency Department and Urology

             F-P1.34  TAM Chi-yin   Physiotherapist I Family Medicine and Primary   One-stop Family Medicine Specialty Clinic – Allied
                      Joseph                   Health Care, Our Lady of   Health Service in General Outpatient Clinics –
                                               Maryknoll Hospital     Collaboration between Allied Health and Doctor

             F-P1.35  TSANG Wing-sze Advanced   Department of Orthopaedics   Efficacy of an Ambulatory Orthopaedic Emergency
                                   Practice Nurse   and Traumatology, Kwong Wah   Service in Kwong Wah Hospital

             F-P1.36  TSE Cheuk-ting  Advanced   Family Medicine and General   Depression and Anxiety among Chronic Obstructive
                                   Practice Nurse  Outpatient Clinic, Queen   Pulmonary Disease Patients under Nurse and Allied
                                               Elizabeth Hospital     Health Clinic – Respiratory Care in Kowloon Central

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