Page 43 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
P. 43

Service Enhancement Presentations

               Speed Presentations

               Tuesday, 16 May 2017                                            10:15 – 10:45 Room S222-S223

                Location  Presentation  Name  Post        Institution          Topic of Presentation
                         F-P1.2    CHAN Kin-wai Associate   Family Medicine and Primary  Credentialing and the Quality Indicator   HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2017
                                              Consultant  Health Care, Princess   Standard of the Colonoscopy Performed by
                                                          Margaret Hospital    Family Physician Specialist in the Kowloon
                                                                               West Cluster
                         F-P1.7    CHIM Chun-  Nurse Consultant Community Outreach   Leading Change, Adding Value: Rapid
                                   king                   Services Team, Prince of   Response Community Service – an
                                                          Wales Hospital       Alternative to Hospital Stay for Admission
                                                                               Diverted Geriatric Patients
                         F-P1.19   LAW Sheung-  Consultant  Department of Orthopaedic   A Osteoporotic Vertebral Fracture Pathway
                                   wai                    Rehabilitation, Tai Po   to Bridge the Secondary Fracture Prevention
                                                          Hospital             Care Gap
                         F-P1.24   LEE Wing-  Occupational   Occupational Therapy   Hand Function Impairment in Patients with
                                   shan Cherry  Therapist II  Department, Pamela Youde   End Stage Renal Failure
                                                          Nethersole Eastern Hospital
                         F-P1.27   LI Chor-man  Advanced   Specialist Outpatient   Multi-targeted Measures to Successfully
                                              Practice Nurse  Department, United Christian  Solve the Ultra-long Queue of Specialist
                                                          Hospital             Outpatient Department of United Christian
                                                                               Hospital Surgery

                                                                               10:15 – 10:45 Room S224-S225

                Location  Presentation  Name  Post        Institution          Topic of Presentation
                         F-P3.32   MAK Sio-ha  Physiotherapist I  Physiotherapy Department,   Multi-disciplinary Fall Prevention Programme
                                                          Tuen Mun Hospital    for Community Dwelling Elderly in Primary
                                                                               Healthcare Setting – a Five-year Review

                         F-P3.34   NG Mei-po  Advanced    Diabetes Ambulatory Care   A Structured Exercise Programme
                                              Practice Nurse  Centre, United Christian   for Pakistani Patients with Diabetes:
                                                          Hospital             Methodology and Focus Group Findings

                         F-P3.35   NG Man-fai  Registered Nurse Department of Surgery,   Outcomes of Drinking Habit Modification in
                   B                                      North District Hospital  Reducing Urinary Frequency and Nocturia
                                                                               for Patients with or without Anti-cholinergic
                         F-P3.38   POON Athina  Occupational   Occupational Therapy   Occupational Therapy Intervention for
                                              Therapist I  Department, United Christian  Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis – a Pilot
                                                          Hospital             Study

                         F-P3.44   YIP King-  Advanced    Department of Respiratory   A Review on Mask Rotation in Ventilator
                                   cheung     Practice Nurse  Medicine, Ruttonjee and   Bed – Prevention of Mask Related Skin
                                                          Tang Shiu Kin Hospitals  Lesion

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