Page 41 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
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Programme by First Author


               C   Corporate Scholarship Presentations         S    Symposiums
               M   Masterclasses                               SS  Special Sessions
               P   Plenary Sessions                            F    Service Enhancement Presentations
               PS  Parallel Sessions                                                                               HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2017

                First Author  Title                                                 Presentation Date  Session

                Wong JCY  Express Queue Service in Specialist Oupatient Clinic Pharmacies  Tuesday, 16 May 2017  F2.6
                Wong KC   3D Model Planning and Patient-specific Orthopaedic Surgery  Wednesday, 17 May 2017 PS7.2
                Wong KHS  Paradigm Shift – from Bariatric to Metabolic Surgery      Tuesday, 16 May 2017  M5.1
                Wong KS   Cerebral Revascularisation by Best Medical Treatment      Tuesday, 16 May 2017  M2.3
                Wong R    Drugs for Muscle: Trifle or Threat?                       Tuesday, 16 May 2017  M8.3
                Wong SCA  Social Hygiene Clinic – a Platform for Sexually Transmitted Infection Control and   Wednesday, 17 May 2017 SS5.3
                Wong W    Advanced Diagnostic Technology and Laboratory Operations – Next Generation   Wednesday, 17 May 2017 PS8.2
                          Sequencing in Pathology and Genetics Testing
                Wong WMB  Make a Change in Eight STEPS – Ensuring Correct Patient Identification in Accident   Tuesday, 16 May 2017  F2.7
                          and Emergency Department of Pok Oi Hospital
                Wu JL     Application of Big Data: Evaluating the Medical Services in Shanghai Public Hospitals Tuesday, 16 May 2017  SS1.1
                Wu K      The Continuous Quality Improvement Project on Allied Health Services for Stroke and  Wednesday, 17 May 2017 PS5.3
                          Hip Fracture Rehabilitation – Promoting Outcome-driven Service
                Wu TC     Success of Preventing Multiple Drug Resistant Organisms Spread by the Enhanced   Tuesday, 16 May 2017  F2.2
                          Infection Control Measures in High Risk Nursing Procedures
                Yau E     Soft Tissue Complication Associated with Distal Radius Fracture  Tuesday, 16 May 2017  M3.4
                Yau KY    Analysis on the High Risk Factors for Elderly Fall in Hospital Settings  Wednesday, 17 May 2017 F8.7
                Yee WS    Turnover Intention: Experiences of Nurses Working Live    Wednesday, 17 May 2017 F7.7
                Yeoh EK   Strategic Purchasing for Health System Goals in Pluralistic Financing and Providers   Tuesday, 16 May 2017  PS2.1
                Yeoh EK   Population-based Resource Allocation                      Tuesday, 16 May 2017  PS2.2
                Yeung KYD  Stepped Care Model for Psychological Interventions in the Haematopoietic Stem Cell  Wednesday, 17 May 2017 M15.3
                          Transplantation Ward
                Yim MS    Multi-disciplinary Approach in Trial without Catheter     Tuesday, 16 May 2017  PS3.4
                Yuen H    Conflict Resolution and Mediation with High Conflict Personalities  Wednesday, 17 May 2017 PS10.2
                Yuen SC   Cerebral Revascularisation: Microsurgical Approach on Stroke Prevention  Tuesday, 16 May 2017  M2.2
                Yuen YF   Surgical Management of Diabetic Eye Disease: Recent Advances  Tuesday, 16 May 2017  M1.5
                Yuen YPL  Laboratory Investigations of Neurometabolic Disorders     Tuesday, 16 May 2017  M4.3
                Zee CYB   Biostatistics Approach to Big Data in Medical Device Development – Automatic   Tuesday, 16 May 2017  S4.2
                          Retinal Image Analysis as an Example
                Zee CYB   Model Development for Population-based Resource Allocation  Tuesday, 16 May 2017  PS2.3

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