Page 40 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
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Programme by First Author

            C    Corporate Scholarship Presentations         S   Symposiums
            M    Masterclasses                               SS  Special Sessions
            P    Plenary Sessions                            F   Service Enhancement Presentations
            PS  Parallel Sessions

             First Author  Title                                                 Presentation Date  Session

             Ng S      Colorectal Cancer Screening in Hong Kong                  Wednesday, 17 May 2017 M9.1
             Ng SCJ    Models and Local Programmes of Palliative Care for Patients with Advanced Chronic  Wednesday, 17 May 2017 M10.2
                       Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
             Ng SW     The Analgesic Efficacy of Diclofenac Suppository in Parturients after Caesarean   Wednesday, 17 May 2017 F5.6
             Ng WYG    Application of 3D Printing in Queen Elizabeth Hospital: a New Page of Healthcare   Tuesday, 16 May 2017  PS4.3
             Ngan T    Steering HA’s Pharmaceutical Services to a New Paradigm   Wednesday, 17 May 2017 PS11.2
             Oliver D  How to Tackle the Challenges of the Ageing Population     Tuesday, 16 May 2017  P2.1
             Oliver D  How to Deal with the Frail Elderly at the Hospital Front Door  Wednesday, 17 May 2017 S7.1
             Ong KL    We All Come from Somewhere – Our Experience with Cultural Diversity  Wednesday, 17 May 2017 S13.3
             Pang SYS  Plastic Surgery on Congenital Diseases: Common Congenital Problems in the Head   Tuesday, 16 May 2017  M6.5
                       and Neck Regions
             Pang YK   Cancer Case Manager Programme (Colorectal)                Wednesday, 17 May 2017 M9.3
             Saria S   How Could Big Data Improve Quality of Healthcare          Tuesday, 16 May 2017  S4.1
             Si MD     Simulation Training Programme for Newly deployed Nurses in an Isolation Ward  Tuesday, 16 May 2017  F2.4
             So HY     The Art and Science of Debriefing in Healthcare Learning  Tuesday, 16 May 2017  SS2.2
             Suen WS   Patient Monitoring and Scheduling System – A Solution to Provide Safe Treatment to  Wednesday, 17 May 2017 F5.7
                       the Right Patient
             Szeto D   Digital Innovation Shaping the Future of Learning and Development  Wednesday, 17 May 2017 PS12.2
             Tam WH    Bridging the Service Gap of Stroke Care – Formal Vision Screening by Orthoptists  Wednesday, 17 May 2017 C3.3
             Tan KY    Considerations for a Geriatric Surgery Service            Wednesday, 17 May 2017 PS6.2
             Tan KY    Trans-disciplinary Care in Geriatric Surgery              Wednesday, 17 May 2017 S14.3
             Tan T     Plastic Surgery for the Ears: Common Otoplastic Procedures in Children  Tuesday, 16 May 2017  M6.3
             Tang CCK  Ambulatory Management of Try off Urethral Catheter – Patient Discharged from AED  Tuesday, 16 May 2017  PS1.4
                       and Ward
             Tang KS   Information Giving at Patient Discharge: Patient Discharge Information Summary Pilot  Wednesday, 17 May 2017 M12.3
             Thompson M  The Application of Tele-medicine in the Virtual Doctor Programme  Tuesday, 16 May 2017  S2.1

             Tong AYH  Real-time Information From Accident and Emergency Department (AED) to Public for  Wednesday, 17 May 2017 F6.6
                       AED Service Management
             Tong PL   Home Care Programme for Prevention of Hypertrophic Scar in Primary Cleft Lip   Wednesday, 17 May 2017 F6.7
             Tsang HW  Sharing on Overseas Corporate Scholarship Programme in Psychiatric Rehabilitation  Wednesday, 17 May 2017 C2.1
                       Nursing: Yale Programme for Recovery and Community Health by Yale University
             Tse AWS   Enhanced Registry for Safer Heart Transplant              Tuesday, 16 May 2017  F4.7
             Tse ML    Botulinum Toxin – Beauty or Beast                         Tuesday, 16 May 2017  M8.2
             Tse MYM   Recent Advances in Acute Ischaemic Stroke Management      Wednesday, 17 May 2017 SS4.1
             Tsui SYC  Gist of Anaesthetic Care for the Morbidly Obese           Tuesday, 16 May 2017  M5.3
             Wong B    Risk Management Enhancement Framework in New Territories West Cluster on Risk   Tuesday, 16 May 2017  F4.3
                       Register Development and Performance Monitoring Process
             Wong CCJ  Great Things Always Begin from Inside                     Wednesday, 17 May 2017 S11.1
             Wong G    Frail Elderly Care Model in Emergency Medicine Ward, Queen Elizabeth Hospital  Wednesday, 17 May 2017 S7.2
             Wong HK   Outcome with Advanced Technique of Fracture Fixation      Tuesday, 16 May 2017  M3.3
             Wong I    Cost Effectiveness Analysis of the Current Screening Protocol in Detecting Diabetic   Tuesday, 16 May 2017  M1.2
                       Macular Edema
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