Page 38 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
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Programme by First Author

            C    Corporate Scholarship Presentations         S   Symposiums
            M    Masterclasses                               SS  Special Sessions
            P    Plenary Sessions                            F   Service Enhancement Presentations
            PS  Parallel Sessions

             First Author  Title                                                 Presentation Date  Session

             Lam P     STarT Back – a Biopsychosocial Approach in the Management of Low Back Pain  Wednesday, 17 May 2017 C3.4
             Lam S     Patient Empowerment Programme Through Individualised Pharmacist Medication   Wednesday, 17 May 2017 C3.6
                       Education in SickKids, Toronto
             Lau AMT   Seeing before Doing, and Achieving an Operation with Better Quality and Patient   Tuesday, 16 May 2017  F4.5
                       Safety – Filmless Operating Theatres Project
             Lau CFL   Manage the Functional Outcome Following Distal Radius Fracture  Tuesday, 16 May 2017  M3.6
             Lau KS    Overall Perspective and Scientific Basis of Palliative Care in Patients with Advanced   Wednesday, 17 May 2017 M10.1
                       Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
             Lau WL    Second Line Therapies – Balloon Tamponade, Compression Sutures and Others  Tuesday, 16 May 2017  M7.2
             Lau YKE   Plastic Surgery on Congenital Diseases: Management of Vascular Malformation –    Tuesday, 16 May 2017  M6.4
                       Surgery or Not
             Law WL    Robotic Surgery Service                                   Wednesday, 17 May 2017 M9.4

             Law MH    Mobile Apps to Streamline Ward Round Across Seven Clusters  Wednesday, 17 May 2017 F5.4
             Law NW    Nurturing a Better Peri-operative Experience for Children and Family  Wednesday, 17 May 2017 C2.3
             Lee CK    Massive Transfusion Protocol in Obstetric Haemorrhage     Tuesday, 16 May 2017  M7.3
             Lee M     A Guide for Staff Training – the Snapshot Strategy and Check-ins Strategy for   Wednesday, 17 May 2017 PS12.3
                       Constant Learning
             Lee MHM   Randomised Controlled Study to Assess Skill Retention at Six versus 12 Months after  Wednesday, 17 May 2017 F7.2
                       Simulation Training in Shoulder Dystocia
             Lee MY    Geriatric Front Door Programme – How the Geriatric Nurses Strive to Make the Best   Tuesday, 16 May 2017  PS1.1
                       Possible Elderly Care
             Lee R     Mechanical Thrombectomy in Acute Stroke – Radiologist’s Perspective  Wednesday, 17 May 2017 SS4.2
             Lee WYS   Review of Nurse Clinic                                    Tuesday, 16 May 2017  PS3.3
             Lee YTY   Paediatric Pain Management – Conquering the Pain          Wednesday, 17 May 2017 C2.4
             Leung HK  A Self-developed Tracing System to Enhance Medical Record Security through   Tuesday, 16 May 2017  F1.7
                       “Registered Mail” Mechanism
             Leung KK  Innovative Ways to Reduced Hand-arm Vibration Level       Wednesday, 17 May 2017 F7.3
             Leung KP  Staff and Patient Engagement from the Eyes of Patients    Wednesday, 17 May 2017 S11.3
             Leung LYE  Effectiveness of Diabetes Nurse-led Clinic in Treating People with Type 2 Diabetes   Tuesday, 16 May 2017  PS3.2
             Leung LYE  Multi-centre Collaboration Project: Evaluation on the Effectiveness of Diabetes Nurse  Tuesday, 16 May 2017  F3.5
                       Clinic in Treating Patient Who Needs Initiation of Insulin Therapy

             Leung M   Surgical Services in Hong Kong Children’s Hospital        Tuesday, 16 May 2017  M6.1
             Leung MH  Promoting Staff Influenza Vaccination by Vaccination-on-wheel in Prince of Wales   Wednesday, 17 May 2017 F7.4
             Leung PNC  A High Accessible and Measurable Approach in Train-the-trainer Workshop:   Tuesday, 16 May 2017  F4.6
                       Theoretical and Simulation Training on Pain Assessment and Management
             Leung WC  Territory-wide Massive Primary Postpartum Haemorrhage (PPH>1,500 ml) Survey in   Tuesday, 16 May 2017  M7.1
                       Hospital Authority Obstetric Units with Recommendations and the Way Forward
             Leung YHA  An Innovative Mammographic Biopsy Technique to Meet the Challenges on a 3D   Wednesday, 17 May 2017 PS8.3
                       Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Detected Lesion
             Leung YME  Evaluation of Rheumatology Nurse-led Clinic in Managing Patients with Rheumatoid   Tuesday, 16 May 2017  F3.6
                       Arthritis: A Retrospective Study
             Lew T     Measuring for Quality in Healthcare                       Wednesday, 17 May 2017 S6.2
             Lew T     The Multiple Facets of Healthcare: How Would Practitioners of Science, Systems   Wednesday, 17 May 2017 S14.2
                       Design and Management Fulfil Their Roles in the Future of Healthcare
             Li KTP    To P or Not to P: Ethics and the Kidney                   Wednesday, 17 May 2017 M11.1
             Li KYK    A Trial without Catheter for Patients in the Community    Wednesday, 17 May 2017 PS14.4
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