Page 41 - HA Convention 2015
P. 41

Service Priorities and Programmes                                                                HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2015

Speed Presentations                                                               15:45–16:15 Room S224–S225
Monday, 18 May 2015

Location Presentation Name        Post                 Institution                Topic of Presentation
SPP-P5.11            HO Sunny     Therapist II         Occupational Therapy       Effect of Computer-assisted Cognitive
                                                       Department, Castle Peak    Remediation Therapy on Cognitive Flexibility
                                                       Hospital                   for Patients with Schizophrenic Spectrum
                                                                                  Disorder in Hong Kong, a Randomised
                                                                                  Controlled Trial

SPP-P5.13            HUI Suki     Occupational         Occupational Therapy       iPad Smart Brain Training Programme ( 腦
                                  Therapist I          Department, Cheshire       至醒認知功能訓練 ) for the Infirmary Patients
                                                       Home, Chung Hum Kok        with Mild Cognitive Impairment

          SPP-P5.15  WONG Vickie Occupational          Occupational Therapy       Efficacy of Lifestyle Redesign Programme,
C                                       Therapist II   Department, Wong Tai Sin   Adjunctive to Computerised Cognitive
                                                       Hospital                   Training in People with Mild Cognitive
                                                                                  Impairment and Mild Dementia – a Pilot

SPP-P5.16            LAM So-ling  Physiotherapist I    Physiotherapy Department,  Upper Limb Movement-based Computer
                     Stefanie                          Shatin Hospital            Training Programme Improves Sitting
                                                                                  Balance in Patients with Sub-acute Stroke:
                                                                                  A Pilot Randomised, Controlled Clinical Trial

SPP-P5.17            LAW Sam      Prosthetist-         Department of Prosthetics  Enhancement of Clinical Effectiveness
                                  Orthotist I          and Orthotics, Queen       through Six Degree-of-freedom Rectification
                                                       Elizabeth Hospital         Computer-aided Design (CAD)/Computer-
                                                                                  aided Manufacturing (CAM) Method for
                                                                                  Conventional Management of Adolescent
                                                                                  Idiopathic Scoliosis

                                 Post                 Institution                  15:45–16:15 Room S226–S227

 Location Presentation Name                                                       Topic of Presentation

SPP-P6.13            YEUNG Kit- Consultant             Physiotherapy Department , Shorten Physiotherapy Outpatient Waiting
                     chi Angelina Physiotherapist Prince of Wales Hospital List through LEAN Approach and Culture

SPP-P6.16            JAIR Lai-    Advanced             Department of Obstetrics   Initiative for Skin-to-skin Contact after
                     ming         Practice Nurse       and Gynaecology, United    Elective Caesarean Section
                                                       Christian Hospital

          SPP-P6.17  LAM Ka-po Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy Department, Journey of a Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
D                    George                            North District Hospital    Disease (COPD) Patient Self-help Group

          SPP-P6.21  LO Debbie Hospital                Supporting Services        Enhancement of Non-emergency
                                      Administrator I  Department, Princess       Ambulance Transfer Service (NEATS)
                                                       Margaret Hospital          through Follow-up Calls to Patients

SPP-P6.27            SK SHUM      Ward Manager         Department of Paediatrics  Improve the Utilisation Rate of the
                                                       and Adolescent Medicine,   Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
                                                       Queen Mary Hospital        Ambulatory Ward by Implementation of an
                                                                                  Intranet Booking System

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