Page 39 - HA Convention 2015
P. 39

Service Priorities and Programmes                                                                HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2015

Speed Presentations                                                             10:15–10:45 Room S224–S225
Monday, 18 May 2015

Location Presentation Name        Post              Institution                 Topic of Presentation
SPP-P5.1            JF CAI        Consultant        Medicine Department, The Establishing and Managing an Acute Stroke
                                                    University of Hong Kong- Unit in The University of Hong Kong-
                                                    Shenzhen Hospital           Shenzhen Hospital, Shenzhen, China

SPP-P5.4            CHAN Nar- Senior                Physiotherapy Department, The Use of 3D Motion Analysis for Upper
                    chi Nerita Physiotherapist Tuen Mun Hospital                Limb Rehabilitation for Stroke Survivors

          SPP-P5.5  NG Kwok-      Chief of Service  Department of Paediatrics,  A Randomised Placebo-controlled Trial of
C                   keung Daniel                    Kwong Wah Hospital          Traditional Chinese Medicine as an Add-
                                                                                on Therapy to Oral Montelukast in the
                                                                                Treatment of Mild Persistent Asthma in

SPP-P5.7            CHAU KV       Resident/         Department of Family        The Encouraging Milestone of the First
                    Chris         Manager           Medicine and Primary        Nursing and Allied Health Clinic in Hospital
                                                    Health Care, Queen Mary     Authority

SPP-P5.9            CW HO         Nurse             Surgery, Pamela Youde       The Pioneer Innovation Report:
                                  Consultant        Nethersole Eastern          Fluorescence Diagnostics of Stomal Mucosa
                                                    Hospital                    by Nurse Consultant in Hong Kong

                                 Post              Institution                   10:15–10:45 Room S226–S227

 Location Presentation Name                                                     Topic of Presentation

SPP-P6.2            CHAN Julie    Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy Department, A Comprehensive Patient-empowered
                                                    Tuen Mun Hospital           Active Back Programme to Reduce the Long
                                                                                Waiting Time for Low Back Pain Patients

SPP-P6.4            CHENG         Pharmacist        Department of Pharmacy, The Use of Six Sigma for Outpatient Waiting
                    Calvin                          Queen Mary Hospital         Time Management of Pharmaceutical Care

          SPP-P6.5  CHENG Anna Associate            Department of Paediatrics   Partnership and Collaboration between
D                                      Consultant   and Adolescent Medicine,    Comprehensive Child Development
                                                    United Christian Hospital   Service (CCDS) and Hong Kong Young
                                                                                Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) — a
                                                                                Community Telephone Supporting Service
                                                                                for Postnatal Mothers in Kowloon East

SPP-P6.9            SC CHIANG Senior                Chief Pharmacist’s Office,  Provision of Codified Drug Data to Support
                                       Pharmacist   Cluster Services Division,  Inpatient Medication Order Entry
                                                    Hospital Authority Head

SPP-P6.10           MY CHOW       Advanced          Department of               Glaucoma Service Enhancement
                                  Practice Nurse    Ophthalmology, Caritas      Programme to Shorten the Waiting Times
                                                    Medical Centre              of Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)
                                                                                Scanning and Visual Field (VF) Testing for
                                                                                Glaucoma Patients

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