Page 38 - HA Convention 2015
P. 38

HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2015  Service Priorities and Programmes

                                    Speed Presentations                                                               10:15–10:45 Room S222-S223
                                    Monday, 18 May 2015
                                                                                                                   Topic of Presentation
                                    Location Presentation Name      Post               Institution                 Nurturing Patient Support Group Towards
                                                                                       Community and Patient       Independence — an Example of Community
                                    SPP-P1.2             CHAN Andy Social Work         Resource Department,        Engagement
                                                                            Assistant  Pamela Youde Nethersole
                                                                                       Eastern Hospital

                                    SPP-P1.9             CHEUNG     Registered         Department of Medicine and Starting Care at the PEEP of Rheumatoid
                                                         Yin-shuen  Nurse              Geriatrics, United Christian Arthritis — a Patient Education and
                                                                                       Hospital                    Empowerment Programme

                                    A SPP-P1.11          LF HO      Midwife            Department of Obstetrics    Factors Influencing the Maternal Choices of
                                                                    Consultant         and Gynaecology, Princess   Infant Feeding Immediately Postpartum
                                                                                       Margaret Hospital

                                    SPP-P1.13            HUI Suki   Occupational       Occupational Therapy        The Miracle of Art: Promoting Mood and
                                                                    Therapist I        Department, Cheshire        Quality of Life for the Long Stay Residents
                                                                                       Home, Chung Hum Kok         in Cheshire Home

                                    SPP-P3.24            YN LEUNG   Advanced           Department of Obstetrics    Effectiveness of Lactation Consultant
                                                                    Practice Nurse and Gynaecology, Kwong          Support on Exclusive Breastfeeding
                                                                                       Wah Hospital                Prevalence after Discharge

                                    SPP-P3.8             SY CHEUNG Advanced            Department of Medicine and Manual Telephone Reminders to Improve
                                                                    Practice Nurse Geriatrics, TWGHs Fung Yiu Attendance Rate of Geriatrics Day Hospital
                                                                                       King Hospital

                                    SPP-P3.14            L HO       Advanced           Department of Surgery,      Ten Years’ Experience in the Development
                                                                    Practice Nurse Queen Elizabeth Hospital        of Surgical Nurse Clinic (Vascular Care)

                                              SPP-P3.15  HO Bessie Pharmacist          Pharmacy Department,        Pharmacy Medication Safety Subcommittee
                                    B                                                  Princess Margaret Hospital  Initiative: Redesign and Standardisation of
                                                                                                                   Drug Shelving and Labelling
                                                         CM LAM     Occupational       Occupational Therapy        To Compare the Effectiveness of Four-
                                              SPP-P3.21             Therapist I        Department, Tuen Mun        week Upper Extremity Home Programmes
                                                                                       Hospital                    for Patients with Stroke Discharged from
                                                                                                                   Rehabilitation Stroke Unit of Tuen Mun
                                                         KK LEUNG   Clinical           Department of Clinical      Hospital
                                                                    Psychologist       Psychology, Tung Wah        Psychological Correlates of Goal
                                                                                       Hospital                    Achievement in Day Rehabilitation
                                                                                                                   Programme for Stroke Patients in Tung Wah

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