Clinical Oncology
The Department of Clinical Oncology adopts an integrated approach in providing radiation oncology, medical oncology, palliative care and hospice service to adult patients living in the New Territories West region. It is the first center in Hong Kong to provide such se amless care through a dedicated te am of oncologists, nurses, radiation therapists, medical physicists, medical social workers and clinical psychologists. The department partners with charitable organizations including the Hong Kong Cancer Fund, Li Ka Shing Foundation and Keswick Foundation to enhance psychosocial support to cancer patients through our Cancer Patient Resources Center, Hospice Day Center, Child and Family Bereavement Centre and the Maggie’s Center. The department has been accredited Designated Center of Integrated Oncology and Palliative Care by European Society of Medical Oncology since 2008.
Scope of Services

Chemotherapy has an important role in treating cancer. It is the use of powerful drug to kill cancer cells, control their growth and hence alleviate symptoms. Chemotherapy is mainly given intravenously or per orally and can be used as a single agent or in combination. Chemotherapy is sometimes used with radiotherapy or surgery to enhance the treatment effect. Different schedules are available according to different types of cancer and indications. When chemotherapy can be completed within one day, patient will be treated in our Integrated Chemotherapy and Day Care Centre (ICDCC) in F4 ward. Our A9 and H1 wards provide 24-hour service for patients who need continuous chemotherapy treatment and monitoring. Cancer Patient Resource Centre organizes patient education talks and videos before chemotherapy to provide ample information about the chemotherapy procedure, precaution and common side effects and their management. In addition to cytotoxic drugs, targeted therapy is also provided to some cancer type.
Radiation Therapy

Our department is equipped with state-of-art radiation treatment and planning facilities and the service is delivered through a dedicated multidisciplinary te am comprising Oncologists, Medical Physicists, Radiation Therapists, Nurses, Mould Lab and Workshop Technicians and supporting staff. Our facilities include four linear accelerators, an integrated remote afterloading brachytherapy unit, a kilovoltage X-ray unit and a CT simulator, which allow us to provide high-tech radiation therapy ranging from the simple 3D conformal to the intensity modulated type of treatment with 3D image guidance as well as stereotactic body treatment. In addition, we also use unsealed radioactive sources (e.g. Iodine- 131) for investigation and treatment of thyroid diseases. Some benign conditions would also be handled by radiation therapy.
Hospice & Palliative Care

Palliative care is the comprehensive treatment to relieve discomfort, symptoms and stress related to serious illness. In addition, it prevents and reduces suffering, thus improving patient’s quality of life. Palliative care is provided in our department through a te am of specialists that comprises of doctors, nurses, clinical psychologist, social workers, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, pastoral workers and others. Our multi-disciplinary te am strives to provide the best possible treatment and holistic care to patients and f amilies in accordance to their choice through a comprehensive day and home service with volunteer and community partnership or by admitting them to the department wards for management of complicated symptoms. We also provide end-of-life service for the terminally ill patients.
Out Patient and ambulatory Care

Our Oncology outpatient and ambulatory service includes specialist outpatient clinics, ambulatory day centre and the Cancer Patient Resource Centre. Our specialist outpatient clinics provide a wide range of disease-specific oncology consultation. A hotline is available for patients who may make enquiry concerning follow-up arrangement or on other health issues.
Our ambulatory Integrated Chemotherapy and Day Centre provides service including chemotherapy, day procedures e.g. bone marrow biopsy, blood / blood products transfusion and other intravenous therapy. The home-like design helps minimize patients’ psychological stress.
In Patient Care

Our in-patient service includes oncology & palliative care which are delivered in 2 wards (A9 and H1). The comprehensive high quality cancer care is provided through a multidisciplinary te am including: oncologists, nurses, radiation therapists, clinical psychologists, medical physicists, pharmacists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, medical social workers, dieticians and volunteers. Our te am will provide specialized care for cancer patients with emphasis on their physical, psycho- social and spiritual need. In addition, upon patient discharge, education on how to prevent complications & treatment side effects as well as care of patient at home will be provided to patients and their carers.
Cancer Patient Resource Centre

Cancer Patient Resources Centre was founded in 1994 to support the needs of cancer patients and their f amilies walk through the challenging cancer journey. The centre serves to empower patients and to foster hope in their life through provision of information and wide scope of psychological support services through individual counseling service, psycho- educational groups/ talks, psycho social activities, rehabilitation groups and patient support groups. Currently, we have two patient self- help groups- Association of Relive for nasopharyngeal cancer and Bauhinia Club for breast cancer patients. The center also provides free wigs borrowing services for patients receiving chemotherapy.
Service Hours
Monday - Friday |
Radiation Therapy |
8:45 am - 1:00 pm 2:00 pm - 5:45 pm |
OPD / Day Hospice |
8:45 am - 1:00 pm 2:00 pm - 5:45 pm |
Cancer Patient Resource Centre |
9:00 am - 1:00 pm 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm
(+ Scheduled classes on Sat.)
Child and Family Bereavement Centre |
9:00 am - 1:00 pm 2:00 pm - 5:45 pm
(+ Scheduled activities on Sat. & Sun.)
(Closed on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday except for scheduled classes / activities;
or when Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above or Black rainstorm warning is hoisted) |
Monday - Saturday |
Integrated Chemo and Day Care Centre (F4) |
9:00 am - 6:00 pm |
(Closed on Sunday and Public Holiday or when Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above or Black rainstorm warning is hoisted) |
Ward (A9 and H1) |
24 hours, ALL days |
Contact Us
Main Department
Address: Lower Ground, RT Block, Tuen Mun Hospital
General Enquiry (General Office)
Tel: 24685038
Monday - Friday |
9:00 am - 1:00 pm 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm |
Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday |
Closed |