Page 61 - FOR FLIP BOOK [single page]Cluster report 2018-2020 (1)
P. 61

Quality Improvement as a result of Technology Advancement or Implementation of New Service Quality & Access Initiatives (continued)  61

        Disease Specific Quality Indicators  -  Mental Health Services
               Average length of stay (LOS) (days) of acute inpatient care (with LOS  % of compulsory psychiatric admissions under the Mental Health Ordinance via AED for
                             ≤ 90 days)                               patients receiving active Personalised Care Programme care
           35                                             3.0%
           30                                             2.5%
        Days  20                                          1.5%
            5                                             0.5%
            0                                             0.0%
                      Previous periods   Current period                  Previous periods       Current period
               Apr 2018 - Mar 2019  Oct 2018 - Sep 2019  Apr 2019 - Mar 2020  Apr 2018 - Mar 2019  Oct 2018 - Sep 2019  Apr 2019 - Mar 2020
         NTEC      30.7        31.0        31.1          NTEC        2.7%           2.6%           2.3%
         Overall HA  30.4      30.4        30.9          Overall HA   2.0%          2.0%           1.9%
                 Overall HA (Apr 2019  - Mar 2020)                Overall HA (Apr 2019  - Mar 2020)
        Disease Specific Quality Indicators  -  Cardiac Services
                % of acute myocardial infarction patients prescribed with Statin at  % of ST-elevation myocardial infarction patients received primary percutaneous coronary
                             discharge                                            intervention
          100%                                             40%
          90%                                              35%
          70%                                              30%
          60%                                              25%
          50%                                              20%
          40%                                              15%
          20%                                              10%
          10%                                              5%
           0%                                              0%
                      Previous periods   Current period                  Previous periods       Current period
               Apr 2018 - Mar 2019  Oct 2018 - Sep 2019  Apr 2019 - Mar 2020  Apr 2018 - Mar 2019  Oct 2018 - Sep 2019  Apr 2019 - Mar 2020
         NTEC      83.7%       85.8%        84.6%        NTEC        16.2%          15.6%          19.6%
         Overall HA   87.4%    87.7%        87.7%        Overall HA   31.4%         35.4%          36.3%
                 Overall HA (Apr 2019  - Mar 2020)                Overall HA (Apr 2019  - Mar 2020)            Chapter VII
   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66