Page 64 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
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Service Enhancement Presentations
            Poster Presentations

            F-P5  Healthcare Advances, Research and Innovations

             Location  Name        Post         Institution           Topic of Presentation
             F-P5.19  IP So-ha     Nurse Specialist  Department of Rehabilitation,   Effects of Comfort Warming with Warm Lotion at
                      Catherine                Kowloon Hospital       Wound Cleansing on Rehabilitation Patients

             F-P5.20  LAM Chui-ming   Occupational   Occupational Therapy   Application of Tablets and Web-based Cognitive
                      Doris        Therapist I  Department, Tuen Mun Hospital Orientation Programme in Tuen Mun Hospital

             F-P5.21  LAO Lai-mio  Motion      Physiotherapy Department,   Quantitative Measurement of Balance in Patients
                                   Laboratory   Tuen Mun Hospital     with Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus in New
                                   Manager                            Territories West Cluster

             F-P5.22  NG Chak-wing   Occupational   Occupational Therapy   Stepping into Community: Incorporation of Virtual
                      William      Therapist II  Department, Kowloon Hospital  Reality Escalator and Road Crossing Training in
                                                                      Occupational Therapy Neurological Rehabilitation

             F-P5.23  LAW Wai-yee  Occupational   Occupational Therapy   An Audit of Occupational Therapy Intervention Under
                                   Therapist I  Department, Princess Margaret  the Newly-developed Clinical Pathway of Total Knee
                                               Hospital               Replacement in Princess Margaret Hospital

             F-P5.24  LEE Hoi-shan   Occupational   Occupational Therapy, United   From Symptom Management to Wellness
                      Alice        Therapist I  Christian Hospital    Enhancement for Outpatients with Cancer

             F-P5.25  LEUNG Chui-lin   Occupational   Occupational Therapy   Innovative Occupational Therapy Triage Service for
                      Florence     Therapist I  Department, Princess Margaret  Inter-disciplinary Memory Clinic

             F-P5.26  LEUNG Shun-yan Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy Department,   A Pioneer Lymphedema Multi-disciplinary
                                               Tung Wah Hospital      Comprehensive Programme with Combined Surgical
                                                                      and Physiotherapy Approach in Hong Kong West
                                                                      Cluster – a Preliminary Outcome

             F-P5.27  LI Kin-wa    Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy Department,   High-intensity Interval Training and Its Application in
                      Frederick                Queen Elizabeth Hospital  Stable Coronary Artery Disease Patients

             F-P5.28  LO Wing-yan   Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy Department,   Provision of Ultrasound Therapy by Physiotherapist
                      Jessica                  Princess Margaret Hospital   for Lactating Mothers with Mammary Blocked Ducts
             F-P5.29  LUK Ka-yan   Senior      Physiotherapy Department,   The Effect of Incorporating Repetitive Transcranial
                                   Physiotherapist  Queen Elizabeth Hospital  Magnetic Stimulation rTMS into Daily Clinical
                                                                      Outpatient Physiotherapy Service for Enhancing
                                                                      Upper Limb Functional Performance after Stroke: A
                                                                      Randomised Controlled Trial
             F-P5.30  LUK Fung-yin   Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy Department,   New Approach to Improve Pain and Snapping in
                      Stephanie                Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole   Adult Trigger Finger with Acupuncture
             F-P5.31  NG Tsz-yan   Occupational   Occupational Therapy, Tai Po   Horticulture Therapy Group for Long Stay Patients
                                   Therapist I  Hospital

             F-P5.32  NG Sze-ka    Registered   Department of Paediatric and   Gamification of Education Concept in Health
                                   Nurse       Adolescent Medicine, United   Education of Paediatric Patient with Asthma
                                               Christian Hospital

             F-P5.33  SHUM Nga-fan  Advanced   Surgery Department, Queen   Randomised Clinical Trial of Chewing Gum after
                                   Practice Nurse  Mary Hospital      Laparoscopic Colorectal Resection

             F-P5.34  TSANG Mei-yi   Senior    Occupational Therapy   Promoting Generalisation of Cognitive Skills
                      Mayie        Occupational   Department, Castle Peak   in People with Schizophrenia: A Single-blind
                                   Therapist   Hospital               Randomised Control Study

             F-P5.35  WONG Lai-yi   Associate   The Jockey Club School of   A Cross-Sectional Survey on Understanding
                      Eliza        Professor   Public Health and Primary Care,  Organisational Changes Relating to Hospital
                                               The Chinese University of Hong  Accreditation

             F-P5.36  HT WONG      Advanced    Accident and Emergency,   E-CPR at Accident and Emergency Department:
                                   Practice Nurse  Queen Mary Hospital  Nursing Perspectives

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