Page 61 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
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Service Enhancement Presentations

               Poster Presentations

               F-P4  Clinical Safety and Quality Service II

                Location  Name        Post         Institution           Topic of Presentation
                F-P4.18  LAM Mei-yi   Ward Manager  Psychiatry, Shatin Hospital  Restraint Reduction Programme by Promotion of   HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2017
                                                                         Person-centred Practice in Inpatient Care Setting

                F-P4.19  LAU Ming-ming   Advanced   Quality and Safety, Queen Mary  Shortening the Time of Administering the First Dose
                         Christine    Practice Nurse  Hospital           to Patients with Severe or Neutropenic Sepsis

                F-P4.20  LAU Wai-chun   Pharmacist  Department of Pharmacy, Tuen   Establishment of the Web-based Paediatric
                         Jenny                    Mun Hosptial           Resuscitation Calculator in Department of
                                                                         Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine in Tuen Mun
                                                                         Hospital, New Territories West Cluster

                F-P4.21  LEE Kam-cheong Consultant  Pathology, Princess Margaret   Speeding up Error Detection through Automating
                                                  Hospital               Anatomical Pathology Random Secondary Case
                                                                         Review Retrieval Process

                F-P4.22  LEE Yin-yi   Registered   Department of Orthopaedics   Use of Evidenced-based Hand Hygiene Interventions
                                      Nurse       and Traumatology, United   to Enhance Hand Hygiene Compliance
                                                  Christian Hospital

                F-P4.23  LEUNG Lai-fong   Occupational   Occupational Therapy, Prince of  Sacral Ulcer Prevention Programme for Oncology
                         Teresa       Therapist I  Wales Hospital        Inpatients, a Multi-disciplinary Approach in Prince of
                                                                         Wales Hospital

                F-P4.24  LEUNG Lai-fong   Occupational   Occupational Therapy, Prince of  Effectiveness of Heel Protectors in Heel Pressure
                         Teresa       Therapist I  Wales Hospital        Ulcer Prevention: An Evidence Based Approach

                F-P4.25  LEUNG Wing-yi  Registered   Orthopaedics and Traumatology,  H.E.A.R.T Approach for Patient Fall Prevention in
                                      Nurse       North District Hospital  Mixed Ward, North District Hospital
                F-P4.26  LAM Hoi-yee   Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy, Tseung Kwan O   Prediction of Ambulatory Prognosis and Need
                         Sharon                   Hospital               of Institution Care Using Functional Prognosis
                                                                         Predictive Scores in Geriatric Hip Fracture Patients
                                                                         at Tseung Kwan O Hospital
                F-P4.27  LO Moon-yee   Health     Information Technology and   Clinical Management System Cross Hospital Logon
                         Fanny        Informatics   Health Informatics Division
                                      Analyst I (C1)1

                F-P4.28  LOK Siu-lun Alan  Advanced   Department of Orthopaedics   Physical Restraint Reduction by Using Alarm Pads
                                      Practice Nurse  and Traumatology, Caritas   as an Alternative
                                                  Medical Centre
                F-P4.29  LUI Ka-lok Gilbert Nurse   Nursing Services Department,   Transferring Evidence into Practice: Evaluation of
                                      Consultant   Pamela Youde Nethersole   a Nurse-initiated Reminder to Wean Off Urinary
                                      (Urology)   Eastern Hospital       Catheter on Patient’s Health Outcome
                F-P4.30  MA Ching-han   Department   Department of Respiratory   Patient Fall Prevention in Department of Respiratory
                         Olga         Operations   Medicine, Kowloon Hospital   Medicine, Kowloon Hospital
                F-P4.31  MAK Yuen-man   Ward Manager  Central Nursing Division, Prince  Systematic Approach to Enhance Clinical
                         Kitty                    of Wales Hospital      Supervision of Temporary Undergraduate Nursing
                                                                         Student in New Territories East Cluster

                F-P4.32  NG Po-chu    Occupational   Occupational Therapy, Prince of  An Innovative Approach for Sacral Ulcer Prevention:
                                      Therapist I  Wales Hospital        An Evidence-based Practice

                F-P4.33  NG Siu-man   Professor   Department of Surgery, The   A Randomised Non-inferiority Trial of
                         Simon                    Chinese University of Hong   Electroacupuncture versus Fast-track Perioperative
                                                  Kong                   Programme for Reducing Duration of Postoperative
                                                                         Ileus and Hospital Stay after Laparoscopic
                                                                         Colorectal Surgery
                F-P4.34  PANG Shu-leung  Ward Manager  Community Psychiatric Service,  Improving Clinical Efficiency and Effectiveness
                                                  Castle Peak Hospital   through Development of a Web-based Information
                                                                         Management System in Community Psychiatric
                                                                         Service, New Territories West Cluster

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