Page 63 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
P. 63

Service Enhancement Presentations

               Poster Presentations

               F-P5  Healthcare Advances, Research and Innovations

                Location  Name        Post         Institution           Topic of Presentation
                F-P5.1   CHAK Wai-kwong Associate   Paediatrics and Adolescent   Innovative Paediatric Refractory Epilepsy Programme   HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2017
                                      Consultant  Medicine, Tuen Mun Hospital   in New Territories West Cluster According to Current
                                                                         International Recommendation

                F-P5.2   CHAN Hoi-wong  Associate   Medicine, Queen Elizabeth   Tele-consultative Service for Renal Palliative Care
                                      Consultant  Hospital               Patients – a Pilot Study in Queen Elizabeth Hospital

                F-P5.3   CHAN Leung-  Associate   Medicine, Queen Elizabeth   3D Printing – Practical Value in Daily Complex
                         kwai Jason   Consultant  Hospital               Percutaneous Structural Heart Disease Interventions

                F-P5.4   CHAN Ka-ho   Advanced    Psychiatry, United Christian   A Community Collaboration Programme with Non
                                      Practice Nurse  Hospital           Governmental Organisations in Screening and
                                                                         Intervention for Suspected Youth Substance Abusers

                F-P5.5   CHAN Kit-ping  Nurse     Child and Adolescent   Implementing the Social Competence Training
                                      Consultant   Psychiatric Team, Kwai Chung   in Child and Adolescent Mental Health in Child
                                                  Hospital               Psychiatric Nurse Clinic of Kwai Chung Hospital: An
                                                                         Evaluation Study

                F-P5.6   CHAN Nar-chi   Senior    Physiotherapy Department,   The Multi-disciplinary Model of Care for Children
                         Nerita       Physiotherapist  Tuen Mun Hospital  with Cerebral Palsy

                F-P5.7   CHAN Nim-chun  Physiotherapist   Physiotherapy Department,   Effect of Re-injury-Prevention Programme on
                                      II          Prince of Wales Hospital  Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction by Using
                                                                         the Advanced Technology of Three-dimensional
                                                                         Motion Analysis

                F-P5.8   CHEUNG Pan   Occupational   Occupational Therapy   Enable the Disabled – Use of 3D Printing Technology
                                      Therapist I  Department, Kowloon Hospital  in Occupational Therapy

                F-P5.9   CHIANG Lap-kin  Medical Officer  Family Medicine and General   Association of Hypertensive Retinopathy and Risk of
                                                  Outpatient Department, Kwong   Stroke in the Primary Care Setting: A Case Control
                                                  Wah Hospital           Study
                F-P5.10  CHIU Wang-kei  Resident   Orthopaedics and Traumatology,  Long Term Results on Prosthetic Revision in Patients
                                      Specialist  Prince of Wales Hospital  with Stiff and Shortened Legs after Failed Biological
                                                                         Reconstruction of Limb Salvage Surgery

                F-P5.11  CHOI Ching-man  Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy, North District   Impact of Virtual Reality Rehabilitation in Improving
                         Tiffany                  Hospital               Balance, Mobility and Exercise Motivation of Patients
                                                                         in Acute Wards
                F-P5.12  CHOW Pui-yee  Advanced   Orthopaedics and Traumatology,  Preoperative Preservation of Amputated Digits
                                      Practice Nurse  Princess Margaret Hospital
                F-P5.13  DAO Man-chi  Resident    Family Medicine and Primary   Can Mobile Phone Short Message Service
                                                  Health Care, Princess Margaret  Reminders Reduce Non-attendance of Type 2
                                                  Hospital               Diabetes Mellitus Appointments in a General
                                                                         Outpatient Clinic?
                F-P5.14  HO Ching-man  Occupational   Occupational Therapy, Queen   Occupational Therapy for Pain Management in
                                      Therapist I  Elizabeth Hospital    Primary Care Setting: An Psychosocial Aspect

                F-P5.15  HO Ka-ki     Resident    Department of Orthopaedics   Decrease Blood Loss in Total Knee Replacement
                                      Specialist  and Traumatology, Pok Oi   with Topical Tranexamic Acid

                F-P5.16  HUI Lai-chi  Associate   Family Medicine and General   Therapeutic Inertia in Glycemic Control among Type
                                      Consultant  Outpatient Clinic, Queen   2 Diabetes Patients Managed in Primary Care
                                                  Elizabeth Hospital

                F-P5.17  IP Mei-lun Ellen  Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy Department,   STarTback Approach of Group Rehabilitation
                                                  Prince of Wales Hospital  Programme for Medium and High Psychosocial Risk
                                                                         in Chronic Low Back Pain Patients

                F-P5.18  IP So-ha     Nurse Specialist  Department of Rehabilitation,   Outcome of Pre-discharge Mouth Care Programme
                         Catherine                Kowloon Hospital       for Caregivers of Immobile Tube-feeding Patients
                                                                         with Cognitive Deficits

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