Page 62 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
P. 62

Service Enhancement Presentations
            Poster Presentations

            F-P4  Clinical Safety and Quality Service II

             Location  Name        Post         Institution           Topic of Presentation
             F-P4.35  SIU Wei-man   Chief of Service  Department of Forensic   Measuring the Profiles of Security Needs of Forensic
                      Bonnie                   Psychiatry, Castle Peak Hospital Psychiatric Inpatients: Validation of the “Security
                                                                      Needs Assessment Profile”

             F-P4.36  SUM Wai-king   Ward Manager  Orthopaedics and Traumatology,  Enhanced Clinical Supervision through Nursing
                      Jocelyn                  North District Hospital  Service Round in the Workplace as Part of Clinical
                                                                      Governance to Improve Nursing Practice

             F-P4.37  SUNG Man-ho   Advanced   Quality and Safety Department,  Prevention of Tourniquet Retained on Patients from
                      Charles      Practice Nurse  North District Hospital  Safe Link to Anti-loss Alarm Device

             F-P4.38  TAM Kwok-hang  Senior Nursing   Nursing Service Division, Tuen   Safe Handling and Effective Specimen Transport
                                   Officer     Mun Hospital           Programme in New Territories West Cluster

             F-P4.39  TONG Chui-mei  Senior Nursing   Central Nursing Division, Prince  To Enhance Drug Administration Safety by
                                   Officer     of Wales Hospital      Tackling the Major Contributing Factors of Drug
                                                                      Administration Incidents

             F-P4.40  TSANG Tsz-lun  Registered   Anaesthesia and Operating   Road to Achieve Zero Retained Surgical Items
                                   Nurse       Theatre Services, Tseung Kwan  Incidents – Using Artificial Intelligence to Safeguard
                                               O Hospital             Surgical Safety in Operating Theatre

             F-P4.41  TSE Lane     Registered   Operating Theatre Services,   Quality and Safety Control: Safe Application of
                                   Nurse       Queen Mary Hospital    Liquid Nitrogen in Limb Salvage Procedure

             F-P4.42  YEUNG Lam    Registered   Surgery, Queen Mary Hospital  Early Detection and Prompt Management on Patients
                                   Nurse                              after TRUS+Bx
             F-P4.43  YUNG Lun     Pharmacist  Department of Pharmacy, Tuen   Standardisation of Intravenous Fluid Formula and
                      Josephine                Mun Hospital           Prescribing and Administration Process in Special
                                                                      Care Baby Unit in Tuen Mun Hospital, New Territories
                                                                      West Cluster

             F-P4.44  YUNG Pollina   Advanced   Cardiothoracic Surgery, Prince   Early Prediction of Hypercarbia during
                      Elaine       Practice Nurse  of Wales Hospital  Cardiopulmonary Bypass: A Complication of CO2
                                                                      Flooding in the Surgical Field
             F-P4.45  YUNG Pui-ki  Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy Department,   Feasibility and Safety of Early Discharge after
                                               Queen Elizabeth Hospital  Implementation of 365-Day Physiotherapy
                                                                      Rehabilitation Pilot Programme for Chinese Hong
                                                                      Kong Population with Geriatric Hip Fracture

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