Page 66 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
P. 66

Service Enhancement Presentations
            Poster Presentations

            F-P6  Enhancing Partnership with Patients and Community

             Location  Name        Post         Institution           Topic of Presentation
             F-P6.1   CHAN Tat-wai  Social Work   Community and Patient   An Experience of Patient Empowerment through
                                   Assistant    Resources Department, Pamela  Tripartite Collaboration
                                                Youde Nethersole Eastern
             F-P6.2   CHAN Suk-ping  Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy Department,   Validation of Questionnaires of Patient Satisfaction
                                                Kowloon Hospital      Survey in Kowloon Hospital

             F-P6.3   CHAN Tsz-kwan   Assistant Social  Health Resource Centre, Prince  Advanced Peer Training Programme to Equip
                      Shannen      Work Officer  of Wales Hospital    Diabetes Peer Supporters in Caring Distressed
                                                                      Diabetes Patients

             F-P6.4   CHAN Wing-sze   Registered   Clinical Oncology, Tuen Mun   Patient Education Programme in the Integrated
                      Winse        Nurse        Hospital              Chinese-Western Medicine

             F-P6.5   CHAN Yin-yuk   Advanced   Nursing Service Division, Wong  An Effective Collaboration between Hospital
                      Rebecca      Practice Nurse  Chuk Hang Hospital  Authority Nursing Team and Non-government
                                                                      Organisation in Monitoring the Quality of Infirmary
                                                                      Care and Service Performance under Public-private

             F-P6.6   CHAN Yuk-yi   Research    Department of Paediatric   Patient Experience and Satisfaction Survey in a
                      Chindy       Assistant    Cardiology, Children’s Heart   Paediatric Ward
                                                Foundation, Queen Mary

             F-P6.7   CHENG Jen-ngai  Associate   Medicine and Geriatric, Caritas   Community Cognitive Impairment Assessment and
                                   Consultant   Medical Centre        Management Project

             F-P6.8   CHENG Wai-yin  Assistant Social  Community and Patient   Tripartite Model: Hospital, Community Partners and
                                   Work Officer  Resources Department, Pamela  Patients
                                                Youde Nethersole Eastern

             F-P6.9   CHEUNG Chi-pan  Occupational   Occupational Therapy, United   Recovery-oriented Mental Health Promotion
                      Angus        Therapist I  Christian Hospital    Programme to Combat Stigmatisation – “Recovery
                                                                      as a Special Experience”

             F-P6.10  CHUNG Wing-yin Assistant Social  Medical Social Services, Tung   Study on Prevalence of Caregiver Stress and the
                                   Work Officer  Wah Eastern Hospital  Effectiveness of Medical Social Worker’s Intervention

             F-P6.11  CHEUNG Pan   Occupational   Occupational Therapy   Five Important Things for the Patients’ First Three
                                   Therapist I  Department, Kowloon Hospital   Weeks after Stroke – a Review of Patients’ Needs in
                                                                      Occupational Therapy Service

             F-P6.12  CHEUNG Jason  Assistant Social  Community and Patient   Enhancing the Continuity of Care for Psychiatric
                                   Work Officer  Resource Department, Pamela   Outpatients with Mood Problems through “Hospital-
                                                Youde Nethersole Eastern   to-Community” Networking Strategies

             F-P6.13  CHEUNG Shuk-  Advanced    Anaesthesia and Intensive Care  Enhancing Effective Communication for Intubated
                      fun          Practice Nurse  Unit, Prince of Wales Hospital   Patients in Intensive Care Unit

             F-P6.14  CHEUNG Yu-   Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy Department,   Exploration of the Relationships of Six-minute Walk
                      yeung                     Kowloon Hospital      Test with Daily Physical Activities in People with
                                                                      Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases in Working Out
                                                                      the Predicted Metabolic Equivalents for Physical

             F-P6.15  CHONG Hau-chu  Occupational   Occupational Therapy   The Combination of Horticultural Therapy with
                      Florence     Therapist I  Department, North Lantau   the Montessori Method – a Sharing of Promising
                                                Hospital              Experiences from Occupational Therapists of North
                                                                      Lantau Hospital

             F-P6.16  CHOW Ming-   Registered   Department of Clinical   Educational Programme for Newly Diagnosed Breast
                      yuen         Nurse        Oncology, Tuen Mun Hospital  Cancer Patient Undergoing Neo-adjuvant and
                                                                      Adjuvant Treatment in Outpatient Setting

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