Page 59 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
P. 59

Service Enhancement Presentations

               Poster Presentations

               F-P3  Clinical Safety and Quality Service I

                Location  Name        Post         Institution           Topic of Presentation
                F-P3.37  NG Yun-cheung  Occupational   Occupational Therapy   Cognitive Impairment in Patients with End Stage   HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2017
                                      Therapist I  Department, Pamela Youde   Renal Failure
                                                  Nethersole Eastern Hospital

                F-P3.38  POON Athina  Occupational   Occupational Therapy   Occupational Therapy Intervention for Patients with
                                      Therapist I  Department, United Christian   Knee Osteoarthritis – a Pilot Study

                F-P3.39  SIU Wai-kwan   Associate   Department of Clinical Oncology,   Bladder Volume Control: A Simple Nursing Procedure
                         Steven       Consultant  Queen Mary Hospital    That Can Potentially Reduce Radiation Toxicities of
                                                                         Brachytherapy for Cancer of Cervix Uteri

                F-P3.40  SO Hing-luen  Registered   Department of Surgery, Queen   Promoting and Maintaining a Proper Urine Bag
                                      Nurse       Elizabeth Hospital     Emptying Practice to Reduce the Risk of Catheter-
                                                                         associated Urinary Tract Infection

                F-P3.41  TAM Oi-yi    Nursing Officer  Infection Control Team, North   Three-step Strategy to Enhance Early Identification
                                                  District Hospital      and Prompt Implementation of Infection Control
                                                                         Measures against Novel Influenza at Accident and
                                                                         Emergency Department of North District Hospital

                F-P3.42  TANG Wing-yu  Registered   Paediatric, Prince of Wales   Eye Care Programme in Paediatric and Neonatal
                                      Nurse       Hospital               Intensive Care Unit

                F-P3.43  WONG Chin-   Resident    Accident and Emergency   Reduction of Hospital Admission Rate by
                         pang                     Department, Tuen Mun Hospital Accelerated Diagnostic Protocol Integrating TIMI and
                                                                         High-Sensitive Troponin for Patients Attending for
                                                                         Chest Pain in Emergency Department

                F-P3.44  YIP King-cheung  Advanced   Department of Respiratory   A Review on Mask Rotation in Ventilator Bed –
                                      Practice Nurse  Medicine, Ruttonjee and Tang   Prevention of Mask Related Skin Lesion
                                                  Shiu Kin Hospitals

                F-P3.45  YUNG Pollina   Advanced   Cardiothoracic Surgery, Prince   New Era in Aortic Surgery Using Selective Antegrade
                         Elaine       Practice Nurse  of Wales Hospital  Cerebral Perfusion and Moderate Hypothermia at the
                                                                         Prince of Wales Hospital

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