Page 67 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
P. 67

Service Enhancement Presentations

               Poster Presentations

               F-P6  Enhancing Partnership with Patients and Community

                Location  Name        Post         Institution           Topic of Presentation
                F-P6.17  FU Sau-nga   Associate   Family Medicine and Primary   Empowering Patients to Better Blood Pressure   HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2017
                                      Consultant  Health Care, Princess Margaret  Control: A Qualitative Study of Patients’ Views,
                                                  Hospital               Practice and Response to Self Blood Pressure
                F-P6.18  HO Wai-fong  Ward Manager  Department of Medicine and   Bed-side Nursing Clinical Handover with Patient
                                                  Geriatrics, Princess Margaret   Engagement in Department of Medicine and
                                                  Hospital               Geriatrics

                F-P6.19  KWOK Anthony  Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy, Hong Kong   Enhanced Physiotherapy Home Support Programme
                                                  Buddhist Hospital      for Facilitating Patients Receiving Palliative Care to
                                                                         Stay at Home

                F-P6.20  LAM Kee-see   Associate   Department of Paediatrics,   Little Life Warrior Society: Working Together to Win
                         Grace        Consultant  Prince of Wales Hospital  the Battle against Cancer, Living a Better Life and
                                                                         Giving Back to the Community

                F-P6.21  LAU Lai-shan   Manager   Administrative Department,   Specific Patient Satisfaction Survey for Cheshire
                         Anita                    Cheshire Home, Shatin  Home, Shatin

                F-P6.22  LEE Helen    Dietitian   Dietetic Department, Ruttonjee   Dress Up, Enrich, and Flavour the Puree Diet
                                                  and Tang Shiu Kin Hospitals

                F-P6.23  CHUNG Wing-yin Assistant Social  Medical Social Services, Tung   Helping Carers of Chronically Ill Patients in Managing
                                      Work Officer  Wah Eastern Hospital  Stress through Art Media

                F-P6.24  LEUNG Mei-lin  Ward Manager  Department of Psychiatry,   Consumer Partnership on Cultural Diversity Project
                                                  Kowloon Hospital
                F-P6.25  FUNG Fan-nam   Advanced   Psychiatric, Kwai Chung   Community Partnership Project on Mental Health
                         Dora         Practice Nurse  Hospital           First Aid Standard Course for the Undergraduate
                                                                         Students and Citizens Dwelling in Kwai Tsing District

                F-P6.26  LEUNG Wai-man  Advanced   Department of Surgery, Shatin   Efficient and Cost Effectiveness Innovation Template
                                      Practice Nurse  Hospital           “Weekly Progress Review” in Integrated Patient
                                                                         Documentation by Primary Nurse
                F-P6.27  LI Suk-yin Crystal Nurse   Department of Surgery, Prince   Support Group to Improve Quality of Life in Men with
                                      Consultant  of Wales Hospital      Prostate Cancer
                F-P6.28  LO Hoi-shan  Professional   The Nethersole School of   Partnering with Stroke Survivors to Enhance Self-
                                      Consultant  Nursing, The Chinese University  management after Discharge
                                                  of Hong Kong

                F-P6.29  NG Fonny     Assistant Social  Community Services Centre,   Life Story Resonance Project ( 生命共鳴計劃 ) : From
                                      Work Officer  Tuen Mun Hospital    Social Stigma to Patient Empowerment

                F-P6.30  NG Fonny     Assistant Social  Community Services Centre,   Speech Training Class for Stroke Survivor via Singing
                                      Work Officer  Tuen Mun Hospital    and Related Exercises ( 開心唱歌學講話 )—Service

                F-P6.31  NG Ventura Lorna Senior Medical   Outpatient Department, Kwong   Flourishing Health Cascade – an Innovative, Inter-
                                      Officer     Wah Hospital           generational Health Promotion Programme

                F-P6.32  SHUM Sze-tim  Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy, Queen Mary   “Beat to Beat” – a Body Mind Exercise Programme
                                                  Hospital               for Patients with Mental Illnesses

                F-P6.33  SO Tak-yee   Advanced    Medicine and Therapeutics,   Experiencing Diabetes Complications Workshop – a
                         Tammy        Practice Nurse  Prince of Wales Hospital   Programme to Promote Health Awareness for both
                                                                         Diabetes Patients and Summer Youth Volunteers

                F-P6.34  SOU Wai-leung  Registered   Department of Psychiatry,   Comfort Room – Development of a Recovery-
                                      Nurse       Kowloon Hospital       oriented Care Environment That Supports a Person’s
                                                                         Recovery Journey

                F-P6.35  TAM Siu-li   Registered   Orthopaedics and Traumatology,  Workflow Enhancement Programme on Pre-operative
                                      Nurse       Prince of Wales Hospital  Workup for Total Joint Replacement Surgery Patient
                                                                         in Prince of Wales Hospital
                F-P6.36  TANG Yee-man   Assistant   Sau Po Center on Ageing, The   Empower Stroke Caregivers by Integrated Health   65
                         Jennifer     Professor   University of Hong Kong  and Social Care: A Capacity Building Approach
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