Page 68 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
P. 68

Service Enhancement Presentations
            Poster Presentations

            F-P6  Enhancing Partnership with Patients and Community

             Location  Name        Post         Institution           Topic of Presentation
             F-P6.37  TONG Pui-lin  Registered   Department of Paediatrics and   Use of Information Technology in New Case Triage:
                                   Nurse       Adolescent Medicine, United   Experience in a Paediatric Dermatology Clinic
                                               Christian Hospital

             F-P6.38  CHENG Wai-yin  Assistant Social  Community and Patient   Strengthening Self-management of Hong Kong East
                                   Work Officer  Resource Centre, Pamela Youde  Cluster Diabetes Mellitu Patients through Diabetes
                                               Nethersole Eastern Hospital   Mellitus Fun Day

             F-P6.39  WONG Yuen-   Centre-in-  Community and Patient   Effectiveness of Community Partnership for End-of-
                      yung Rebecca  charge     Resource Centre, Pamela Youde  life Care Service to Chronic Patients
                                               Nethersole Eastern Hospital

             F-P6.40  WONG Yuen-   Centre-in-  Community and Patient   A Medical-social Collaborative Model for Carers of
                      yung Rebecca  charge     Resource Centre, Pamela Youde  Chronic Ill Patients in Hong Kong East Cluster – from
                                               Nethersole Eastern Hospital   Concept to Application

             F-P6.41  WONG Shuk-fan  Advanced   Community Nursing Service,   A Multi-disciplinary Pilot Programme for Fall
                                   Practice Nurse  Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital  Prevention in Four Residential Care Home for the

             F-P6.42  WONG Tsz-yan  Occupational   Occupational Therapy, Pamela   An Innovative Vocational Service Platform across
                                   Therapist II  Youde Nethersole Eastern   NGOs and Private Sectors: Early Integrated
                                               Hospital               Vocational Services for Psychiatric Patients

             F-P6.43  WL WONG      Registered   Central Nursing Services, United  Support Caregivers of Elders with Cognitive
                                   Nurse       Christian Hospital     Impairment

             F-P6.44  YEUNG Pui-man   Advanced   Department of Medicine, Pamela  Effectiveness of Non-pharmacological Intervention
                      Doris        Practice Nurse  Youde Nethersole Eastern   to Prevent Delirium in Older Patients During
                                               Hospital               Hospitalisation: A Randomised Controlled Study.

             F-P6.45  YU Chung-tsang  Advanced   Department of Medicine and   Tripartite Collaboration Programme for the Continuity
                      Mick         Practice Nurse  Geriatrics, United Christian   of Care for Stroke Patients and Their Families in the
                                               Hospital               Community

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