Page 57 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
P. 57

Service Enhancement Presentations

               Poster Presentations

               F-P3  Clinical Safety and Quality Service I

                Location  Name        Post         Institution           Topic of Presentation
                F-P3.1   AU Lai-fan   Dietitian   Dietetic Department, Shatin   Dementia Feeding Programme in Rehabilitation   HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2017
                         Vanessa                  Hospital               Hospital (Pilot)

                F-P3.2   CHAN Chi-kwong Occupational   Occupational Therapy   Develop and Integrate a Computerised Bar Code
                                      Therapist I  Department, Shatin Hospital  System to Enhance the Efficiency of Aids Loan
                                                                         Service Provision

                F-P3.3   CHAN Lee-chun   Senior   Physiotherapy, Tuen Mun   The Effectiveness of Targeted Treatment Pathway of
                         Julie        Physiotherapist  Hospital          a Comprehensive Patient-empowered Active Back
                                                                         Programme for Low Back Pain Patients in Tuen Mun

                F-P3.4   CHAN Lee-chun   Senior   Physiotherapy, Tuen Mun   The Effectiveness of Restructuring the Service
                         Julie        Physiotherapist  Hospital          Pathway with an Early Comprehensive Education
                                                                         Programme for Low Back Pain Patients

                F-P3.5   CHAN Ping-   Associate   Orthopaedics and Traumatology,  Reduction of Allogenic Blood Transfusion Rate by
                         keung        Consultant  Queen Mary Hospital    Patient Blood Management Strategies in Total Knee

                F-P3.6   CHAN Sau-chu  Registered   Medicine and Geriatrics, Pok Oi  Developing a Heart Failure Clinical Pathway Help in
                                      Nurse       Hospital               Better Disease Management

                F-P3.7   CHAN Yuk-fong  Advanced   Surgery, Shatin Hospital  Innovation of Discharge Education Promotion with
                                      Practice Nurse                     Discharge Kit

                F-P3.8   CHANG Wai-yee  Advanced   Department of Orthopaedics   Nurse-initiated Protocol for Management of Acute
                                      Practice Nurse  and Traumatology, Yan Chai   Postoperative Urinary Retention and Timely Removal
                                                  Hospital               of Indwelling Catheter Following the Total Joint
                                                                         Replacement Surgery

                F-P3.9   CHENG Wing-ki  Physiotherapist   Physiotherapy, Tung Wah   Dance for Health – Disease-specific Empowerment
                                      II          Eastern Hospital       Programme for Diabetic Patients
                F-P3.10  Winner CHENG  Advanced   Surgery, Tung Wah Hospital  Clinical Pathway for Breast Cancer Surgery with
                                      Practice Nurse                     Axillary Intervention
                F-P3.11  CHEUNG Chun-  Physiotherapist   Physiotherapy Department,   Use of Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis to Measure
                         man          II          Kowloon Hospital       Skeletal Muscle Mass and Its Association with
                                                                         Muscle Strength and Balancing Ability
                F-P3.12  CHEUNG Man-ha Associate   Family Medicine and Primary   A Service Review on Diabetes Joint Clinic: A
                                      Consultant  Healthcare, Queen Mary   Collaboration between Family Physicians and
                                                  Hospital               Diabetologists
                F-P3.13  CHEUNG Sze-tik  Pharmacist  Department of Pharmacy,   Evaluation of Standardised Parenteral Nutrition for
                                                  Kwong Wah Hospital     Neonates at Kwong Wah Hospital

                F-P3.14  CHIU Wing-chee  Occupational   Occupational Therapy   Cognitive Group Training by Occupational Therapist
                                      Therapist I  Department, Pamela Youde   for Young People with Acquired Brain Injury
                                                  Nethersole Eastern Hospital

                F-P3.15  CHOY Yin-ping  Nurse     Oncology, Princess Margaret   Accomplished 100% Compliance of Door-
                                      Consultant  Hospital               to-antibiotics Time in Management of Febrile
                                                                         Neutropenia – The Strategies to Success

                F-P3.16  FUNG Brigitte   Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy Department,   A Retrospective Study on the Efficacy of an Early
                                                  Kwong Wah Hospital     Physiotherapy Intervention Programme in the
                                                                         Treatment of Blocked Milk Ducts in Lactating Women

                F-P3.17  HUI Yun-ho   Nurse       Nursing Services Division,   Gate Keeping Management to Reduce Beginner
                                      Consultant  United Christian Hospital  Peritonitis

                F-P3.18  HUNG Yuk-wah  Resident   Department of Orthopaedics   Cost Effectiveness and Safety of Same Stage
                                      Specialist  and Traumatology, Alice Ho Miu  Bilateral Total Knee Arthroplasty – Regional Joint
                                                  Ling Nethersole Hospital  Centre Experience

                F-P3.19  HUNG Yuk-wah  Resident   Department of Orthopaedics   Promotion of Same Day Admission for Total Joint
                                      Specialist  and Traumatology, Alice Ho Miu  Replacement – First year Experience of Regional
                                                  Ling Nethersole Hospital   Joint Centre
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