Page 55 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
P. 55

Service Enhancement Presentations

               Poster Presentations

               F-P2  Staff Engagement and Empowerment

                Location  Name        Post         Institution           Topic of Presentation
                F-P2.18  IP Tung-fun  Ward Manager  Medicine Department Queen   Minimise Penicillin Allergy Incidents in Medical   HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2017
                                                  Mary Hospital          Wards

                F-P2.19  KO Ying-lan  Registered   Ophthalmology and Visual   Zero Tolerance in Intra-Ocular Lens Safety by Multi-
                                      Nurse       Science, Prince of Wales   disciplinary Approach

                F-P2.20  KOO Heung-wai   Dietitian-in-  Dietetics, Pok Oi Hospital  A Handy Tool Facilitates a More Consistent and
                         Joanne       charge                             Accurate Patient Oral Intake Charting

                F-P2.21  KOO Wai-mun   Senior Nursing   Central Nursing Department,   Safe Administration of Medication Awareness
                         Jenny        Officer     Queen Mary Hospital    Programme

                F-P2.22  LAI Ching-yan  Registered   Medicine and Geriatrics, Tuen   The Implementation of Non-pharmacological
                                      Nurse       Mun Hospital           Approaches for Prophylaxis Against Deep Vein
                                                                         Thrombosis in Acute Stroke Unit

                F-P2.23  LAI Wai-him  Enrolled Nurse  Central Sterile Supply   Interactive Dashboard in CSSD: Improve
                                                  Department & Theatre Sterile   Communication with No Extra Resources
                                                  Supply Unit, United Christian

                F-P2.24  LAM Ying-fung  Ward Manager  Department of Medicine, Pamela  Enhance Safety Culture through Staff Engaging
                                                  Youde Nethersole Eastern   Conduct Patrol Round to Reduce Patient Fall

                F-P2.25  LEUNG Wai-man  Advanced   Department of Surgery, Shatin   First Stop on Patient Rehabilitation Journey TIGER
                                      Practice Nurse  Hospital           Focus – Patient Orientation Programme
                F-P2.26  LEUNG Yin-ping  Advanced   Surgical, Ruttonjee and Tang   A Hospital-wide Intervention for Pressure Ulcer
                                      Practice Nurse  Shiu Kin Hospitals  Prevention in Ruttonjee and Tang Shiu Kin Hospitals
                F-P2.27  LO Ka-man    Advanced    Orthopaedics and Traumatology,  An Innovative Nurse-led Approach to Arthroplasty
                                      Practice Nurse  Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole   Patient Journey in Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole
                                                  Hospital               Hospital Joint Replacement Centre
                F-P2.28  PANG Kit-pui  Ward Manager  Department of Psychiatry,   Enhancing Identification of Patients with High Fall
                                                  Kowloon Hospital       Risk in Psychogeriatric Setting

                F-P2.29  MAK Chui-ling  Advanced   Department of Family Medicine  Promoting Caring Attitude among Patient Care
                                      Practice Nurse  and Primary Health Care, United  Assistants in General Outpatient Clinics through
                                                  Christian Hospital     Interactive Training

                F-P2.30  NG Sze-ka    Registered   Department of Paediatrics and   Gamification Training Programme to Increase New
                                      Nurse       Adolescent Medicine, United   Staff Motivation and Engagement
                                                  Christian Hospital

                F-P2.31  SHEK Man-kit  Registered   Medicine and Geriatrics, United  Standardisation of Nurse-led Medication
                                      Nurse       Christian Hospital     Reconciliation for Medication Safety in Acute
                                                                         Medical Ward

                F-P2.32  SHIH Co Kendrick Clinical Assistant  Department of Ophthalmology,   Redefining Ophthalmic Fundoscopy Training and
                                      Professor/  Grantham Hospital/The   Assessment for the Digital Age
                                      Honorary    University of Hong Kong

                F-P2.33  TANG Raymond  Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy Department,   Physiotherapy Outpatient eDocumentation Project in
                                                  Kwong Wah Hospital     Kwong Wah Hospital

                F-P2.34  TANG Siu-wai  Ward Manager  Department of Medicine and   Nurse-driven Protocol for Removal of Indwelling
                                                  Rehabilitation, Tung Wah   Urinary Catheter in Orthopaedic Rehabilitation
                                                  Eastern Hospital

                F-P2.35  TSANG Tsui-lin  Ward Manager  Community Outreach Services   Painstaking Lesson Learnt from Loss of Home Visit
                                                  Team, North District Hospital  Record with Patient Sensitive Data: Experience of
                                                                         the North District Hospital

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