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HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2015  Service Priorities and Programmes

                                    Poster Presentations
                                    SPP-P5 – Healthcare Advances, Research and Innovations

                                    Location Name                 Post                 Institution                      Topic of Presentation

                                    SPP-P5.1 JF CAI               Associate            Medicine Department, The         Establishing and Managing an Acute Stroke Unit in
                                                                  Consultant           University of Hong Kong-         The University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital,
                                                                                       Shenzhen Hospital                Shenzhen, China

                                    SPP-P5.2 CHAN Chung-          Occupational         Occupational Therapy             Pediatric Cancer Care from Hospital to Community:
                                                     man Barbara  Therapist I          Department, Prince of Wales      A Service Delivery Model – Partnership between
                                                                                       Hospital                         Public Hospitals and Non-Government Organisation

                                    SPP-P5.3 CHAN Kin-hung Deputy Ward                 Renal Unit, Department of        The Application of a Physical Antimicrobial Spray
                                    Andex                         Manager              Medicine and Geriatrics, United  Dressing for Reducing Post-operative Peritoneal
                                                                                       Christian Hospital               Dialysis Catheter Exit Site Infection in End-stage
                                                                                                                        Renal Failure Patients: A Prospective Cohort Study

                                    SPP-P5.4 CHAN Nar-chi         Senior               Physiotherapy Department,        The Use of 3D Motion Analysis for Upper Limb
                                                     Nerita       Physiotherapist Tuen Mun Hospital                     Rehabilitation for Stroke Survivors

                                    SPP-P5.5 NG Kwok-keung Chief of Service Department of Paediatrics,                  A Randomised Placebo-controlled Trial of Traditional
                                    Daniel                                             Kwong Wah Hospital               Chinese Medicine as an Add-on Therapy to Oral
                                                                                                                        Montelukast in the Treatment of Mild Persistent
                                                                                                                        Asthma in Children

                                    SPP-P5.6 CHOI Siu-wai         Chief Manager        Information Technology           Prince of Wales Hospital Mobile Application for Path
                                                     Christine    (Information and     Department, Prince of Wales      Finders – “PWH easyGo”
                                                                  Communication        Hospital

                                    SPP-P5.7 CHAU KV Chris Resident/                   Department of Family Medicine The Encouraging Milestone of the First Nursing and
                                                                              Manager  and Primary Health Care, Queen Allied Health Clinic in Hospital Authority
                                                                                       Mary Hospital

                                    SPP-P5.8 CHONG Chris          Advanced             Surgery, Caritas Medical Centre Therapeutic Woundoscopy – a Case Series of
                                                                  Practice Nurse                                        Surgical Drain Management

                                    SPP-P5.9 CW HO                Nurse                Surgery, Pamela Youde            The Pioneer Innovation Report: Fluorescence
                                                                  Consultant           Nethersole Eastern Hospital      Diagnostics of Stomal Mucosa by Nurse Consultant
                                                                                                                        in Hong Kong

                                    SPP-P5.10 CW HO               Nurse                Surgery, Pamela Youde            The Novel Way to Improve Surgical Wound
                                                                  Consultant           Nethersole Eastern Hospital      Management: Using the Drainable Pouch

                                    SPP-P5.11 HO Sunny            Occupational         Occupational Therapy             Effect of Computer-assisted Cognitive Remediation
                                                                  Therapist II         Department, Castle Peak          Therapy on Cognitive Flexibility for Patients with
                                                                                       Hospital                         Schizophrenic Spectrum Disorder in Hong Kong, a
                                                                                                                        Randomised Controlled Trial

                                    SPP-P5.12 HUI Joannie         Senior Medical Department of Paediatrics,             The First 21 Months Experience of a Pilot Expanded
                                                                  Officer              Prince of Wales Hospital         Newborn Metabolic Screening Programme in Hong

                                    SPP-P5.13 HUI Suki            Occupational         Occupational Therapy             iPad Smart Brain Training Programme ( 腦至醒認知功
                                                                  Therapist I          Department, Cheshire Home,       能訓練 ) for the Infirmary Patients with Mild Cognitive
                                                                                       Chung Hum Kok                    Impairment

                                    SPP-P5.14 KU Benny            Health               Health Informatics, Information  Engagement Strategy to Nursing Staff on Inpatient
                                                                  Informatician        Technology and Health            Medication Order Entry (IPMOE) Implementation
                                                                                       Informatics Division

                                    SPP-P5.15 LAI Natalie         Occupational         Occupational Therapy             Efficacy of Lifestyle Redesign Programme,
                                                                  Therapist I          Department, Castle Peak          Adjunctive to Computerised Cognitive Training in
                                                                                       Hospital                         People with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Mild
                                                                                                                        Dementia – a Pilot Study

                                    SPP-P5.16 LAM So-ling         Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy Department,           Upper Limb Movement-based Computer Training
                                                     Stefanie                             Shatin Hospital               Programme Improves Sitting Balance in Patients with
                                                                                                                        Sub-acute Stroke: A Pilot Randomised, Controlled
                                                                                                                        Clinical Trial

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