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Service Priorities and Programmes                                                                  HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2015

Poster Presentations
SPP-P5 – Healthcare Advances, Research and Innovations

Location Name                Post                       Institution                    Topic of Presentation

SPP-P5.17 LAW Sam            Prosthetist-               Department of Prosthetics and  Enhancement of Clinical Effectiveness through Six
                             Orthotist I                Orthotics, Queen Elizabeth     Degree-of-freedom Rectification Computer-aided
                                                        Hospital                       Design (CAD)/Computer-aided Manufacturing (CAM)
                                                                                       Method for Conventional Management of Adolescent
                                                                                       Idiopathic Scoliosis

SPP-P5.18 KC LEE             Chief of Service Pathology Department, Princess Using Electronic Ordering and Tracking to Improve
                                                        Margaret Hospital              Anatomical Pathology Laboratory Workflow

SPP-P5.19 LEE Mianne         Occupational               Occupational Therapy           Prevalence of Sarcopenia in Hong Kong Chinese
                             Therapist I                Department, Caritas Medical    Geriatric Hip Fracture Patient and Its Correlation

SPP-P5.20 LIU Sally          Occupational               Occupational Therapy           The Effectiveness of a Functional Ask Exercise
                             Therapist I                Department, United Christian   Programme on People at Risk of Alzheimer Disease
                                                        Hospital                       – a Randomised Controlled Trial

SPP-P5.21 YN LEUNG           Advanced                   Department of Obstertrics      The Effect of Intensive Lactation Support on
                             Practice Nurse             and Gynecology, Kwong Wah      Exclusive Breastfeeding Prevalence in Neonatal
                                                        Hospital                       Intensive Unit

SPP-P5.22 YS LI              Advanced                   Department of Surgery, Tuen    The Evolution of Newly Designed Abdominal
                             Practice Nurse Mun Hospital                               Binder to Reduce Psychosomatic Disorder by
                                                                                       Multidisciplinary Collaboration

SPP-P5.23 HL LIU             Associate                  Department of Surgery, Tung    A New Multidisciplinary Lymphedema Treatment
                             Consultant                 Wah Hospital                   Programme in the Hong Kong West Cluster – a
                                                                                       Combined Surgical and Physiotherapy Approach

SPP-P5.24 MAK Amanda         Clinical                   Clinical Psychology Department, Mirror Therapy for Phantom Limb Pain and Sensation
                             Psychologist               MacLehose Medical
                                                        Rehabilitation Centre

SPP-P5.25 MAK Amanda         Clinical                   Clinical Psychology Department, Developing a Goal-directed, Outcome-driven and
                             Psychologist               MacLehose Medical              Time-limited Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
                                                        Rehabilitation Centre          Programme

SPP-P5.26 WH MANG            Occupational               Occupational Therapy           Peer Mentor Programme: An Innovative Recovery-
                             Therapist II               Department, Pamela Youde       oriented Service for Psychiatric Patients
                                                        Nethersole Eastern Hospital

SPP-P5.27 MOK Joyce          Clinical                   Department of Clinical         Effectiveness of Time-limited Floortime Group
                             Psychologist               Psychology, United Christian   Training Programme in Enhancing Dyadic Reciprocity
                                                        Hospital                       between Parents and Their Preschoolers on Autistic

SPP-P5.28 NG Terrence        Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy Department,               New Impact of Physiotherapy Management to the
                                                     Tuen Mun Hospital                 Children with Congenital Talipes Equinovarus (CTEV)
                                                                                       – a Preliminary Result

SPP-P5.29 SL NG              Nurse                      Department of Surgery, Queen   A Randomised Controlled Trial Study of the Efficacy
                             Consultant                 Mary Hospital                  of Intensive Pre-operative Pelvic Floor Muscle
                                                                                       Training to Decrease Post-prostatectomy Urinary

SPP-P5.30 WC NG              Unit Manager               Community Care Service,        End-of-life (EOL) Programme in Residential Care
                                                        Queen Mary Hospital            Homes (RCHEs): Perception of Family Members

SPP-P5.31 CF POON            Advanced                   Department of Obstetrics and   An Audit on Prenatal Screening for Down Syndrome
                             Practice Nurse             Gynaecology, Queen Elizabeth

SPP-P5.32 KM                 Resident                   Department of Paediatrics and Touchscreen Communication Aid (TSCA) – an
                 BELARAMANI  Specialist                 Adolescent Medicine, Tuen Mun iPad-based Programme Enables Dialogue When
                                                        Hospital                       Encountering Clients with Language Barrier

SPP-P5.33 SIT Lok-mun Kitty Occupational                Occupational Therapy           A Preliminary Evaluation: Robot-assisted Therapy
                                          Therapist II  Department, Shatin Hospital    using PARO for Elderly with Cognitive Decline
                                                                                       or Dementia with Behavioral and Psychological
                                                                                       Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) in Shatin Hospital

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