Page 56 - HA Convention 2015
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HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2015  Service Priorities and Programmes

                                    Poster Presentations
                                    SPP-P4 – Clinical Safety and Quality Service II

                                    Location Name               Post             Institution                         Topic of Presentation
                                                                                                                     Evaluation of a Seven-year Return-to-Work
                                    SPP-P4.17 POON YH           New Territories  Physiotherapy Department,           Cognitive Behavioural-based Physiotherapy Back
                                                     Priscilla  West Cluster     Tuen Mun Hospital                   Rehabilitation Programme
                                                                Tuen Mun

                                    SPP-P4.18 LAI Fiona         Pharmacist       Pharmacy Department, Princess Implementation of Clinical Pharmacy Service in
                                                                                 Margaret Hospital                   Paediatric Nephrology Unit at Princess Margaret

                                    SPP-P4.19 LAM Flori         Advanced         Anaesthesia and Operating           Patient Satisfies! Early Detection of Complications!
                                                                Practice Nurse   Theatre Services, Queen             Enhance the Peri-operative Care Programme
                                                                                 Elizabeth Hospital

                                    SPP-P4.20 CK LEE            Advanced         Central Sterile Supplies            How is Process Control Performed in a Surgical
                                                                Practice Nurse   Department, Tuen Mun Hospital Instrument Reprocessing Centre to Enhance Patient

                                    SPP-P4.21 LEE Carmen        Optometrist      Ophthalmology Department,           Training and Accreditation of Optometrists for
                                                                                 Queen Mary Hospital                 Diabetic Retinopathy Screening in Hong Kong

                                    SPP-P4.22 DAI Lok-kwan      Cluster          Patient Relations and               Promoting Patient Engagement through Annual
                                                     David      Coordinator      Engagement Department,              Patient Relations and Engagement Forum
                                                                (Patient         Prince of Wales Hospital/ New
                                                                Relations and    Territories East Cluster

                                    SPP-P4.23 WM LEE            Nurse            Department of Paediatrics and       Analysis of Trend Data of Pulse Oximetry Monitoring
                                                                Consultant       Adolescent Medicine, Queen          for Healthy Term Newborn during Their First Skin-to-
                                                                                 Mary Hospital                       skin Care and Breastfeeding

                                    SPP-P4.24 LEUNG Janet       Advanced         Department of Medicine, Tseung Introduction of Bundle Strategies to Reduce
                                                                Practice Nurse   Kwan O Hospital                     Catheter Associated Bloodstream Infection (CABSI)
                                                                                                                     in Patients Undergoing Haemodialysis Catheter

                                    SPP-P4.25 LO Charles        Senior           Pharmacy Department, United Parenteral Nutrition Biochemical Monitoring Practice
                                                                Pharmacist       Christian Hospital                  for Infants in Hong Kong Public Hospitals

                                    SPP-P4.26 MAN Ka-wai        Advanced         Department of Medicine and          Fall Prevention Programme in an Isolation Ward
                                                                Practice Nurse   Geriatrics, United Christian

                                    SPP-P4.27 NG Mei-kwai       Registered       Department of Surgery, Prince Using Timer for Enhancing Patients’ Safety and
                                                     Miriam     Nurse            of Wales Hospital                   Raising Nurses’ Awareness

                                    SPP-P4.28 NG Sylvia         Senior Nursing Central Nursing Division,             Standardisation and Enhancement of Fall Risk
                                                                Officer          Grantham Hospital                   Assessment in Grantham Hospital

                                    SPP-P4.29 OR Amy            Nurse            Department of Surgery, Kwong Nipple Tattooing in Hospital Authority Hospitals:
                                                                Consultant       Wah Hospital                        Standards, Training and Past Experience

                                    SPP-P4.30 SUNG Man-ho       Patient Safety   Department of Quality and           The Evaluation of Safety Walk Round in North
                                                     Charles    Officer          Safety, North District Hospital District Hospital

                                    SPP-P4.31 ML TANG           Nursing Officer Department of Quality and            Clinical Audit Goes Hand in Hand with Hospital
                                                                                        Safety, Queen Mary Hospital  Accreditation

                                    SPP-P4.32 HC TO             Nurse            Surgery Department, Queen           Maximising Bladder Drainage by Changing the
                                                                Consultant       Elizabeth Hospital                  Posture of the Patient – a Lesson Learnt from Video
                                                                                                                     Urodynamic Studies

                                    SPP-P4.33 WAI Jessica       Advanced         Operating Theatre, Tuen Mun         Enhancement Programme in Patient Positioning for
                                                                Practice Nurse Hospital                              Surgery

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