What is Hospital Authority Bylaws?
According to 7(1)(c) and 7(1)(d) of the Hospital Authority Bylaws (Cap 113A), no person shall, in a hospital use any language likely to cause offence or annoyance to any person (e.g. swearing of foul language), or behave in an indecent or disorderly manner (e.g. assault, screaming leading to serious disturbance to hospital operation or aggressive behaviours). Any person who contravenes the above bylaws commits an offence and is liable on first conviction to a fine of $1,000 and on a second or subsequent conviction to a fine of $2,000 and to imprisonment for one month.

● Comprehensive education to maintain high awareness
● Effective tactics against violence
● A closer look at workplace violence
● Ultimate backup for staff subject to threats
● What is Hospital Authority Bylaws?
● Collective efforts from frontline for winter surge
● Start 2018 with a runner’s high
● Dr Cheung Wai-lun shares his secrets of success
● HA took part in exercise to prepare for nuclear emergencies
● A big step towards paper-free workplace at PMH
● Nurse clinics migrate to integrated model
● Recruitment to strengthen nursing workforce
● Look for colleagues’ contact at your fingertips
● BookHA extends SOPC new case booking to Obstetrics and Paediatrics
● 生命搶救戰 (Chinese version only)