HA Go: an empowering app to manage one’s health
Going on trial in seven acute general hospitals this July, a new one-stop app for patients ‘HA Go’ will be available for download on Apple App Store and Google Play end of the year. Explaining the thinking behind the app, Head of Information Technology and Health Informatics Dr Cheung Ngai-tseung says, “HA Go is an umbrella project that integrates several independent HA apps currently available on app stores but adds new useful features and functions.” The app facilitates patients, caregivers and guardians to manage health care at their fingertips.
HA Go will be trialled in Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, Queen Mary Hospital, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, United Christian Hospital, Princess Margaret Hospital, Prince of Wales Hospital and Tuen Mun Hospital. Booths will be set up in the lobby of the hospital’s Specialist Outpatient Clinic (SOPC) to help adult patients install the app and then register to become HA Go member. Registration with one’s real name is required to protect patient data and privacy. A 2D barcode will be sent to the patient’s mobile phone after entering all information required for HA Go registration. Patients need to present identity documents and the 2D barcode to complete the authentication process.
Different functions of HA Go will be released in stages and will later be made available to caregivers and guardians. Dr Cheung describes the first four functions of the pilot phase.

Patients can review all appointments in the past one year and upcoming ones. In the initial phase, the appointment services covered by HA Go include SOPCs, admissions, radiology examinations, allied health services, nurse clinics and pharmacies. In the days ahead, patient can cancel and request changing appointment with HA Go. The existing mobile app BookHA, which provides new case booking service for SOPCs, will be integrated into HA Go.

The Rehab function on HA Go is like a personal secretary for health management, helping patients do rehab exercises systematically at home or in the community. Therapists design customised treatment plans for patients with conditions such as stroke, hip fracture or dementia. The treatment regime will be ‘prescribed’ in form of multimedia formats including video and game and appear on the patient’s smartphone, with clear and comprehensive instruction. Patients can follow training exercise anytime anywhere.
In future, HA Go will allow patients to create electronic health care logs to keep track of indicators such as blood pressure, blood glucose level and body temperature, in a more convenient and effective way than keeping paper records. Medical teams can monitor the changes in a patient’s health condition as well as the progress of rehabilitation. The logs provide a clear picture of the patient’s health and home care, allowing the medical team to intervene when necessary, and make adjustment in medication and treatment.

HA Go makes online payment for hospital bills easy. In the pilot phase, the payment function covers inpatient and day wards bills and accepts payments through MasterCard and Visa, Octopus O! ePay, Apple Pay, and Alipay HK. The electronic payment system will later be expanded to specialist and general outpatient service and medication orders.

In the initial phase, patients can check information on their drug prescriptions and past medication records, including the name of drug, main use of drug, possible side effects and general medication instructions. In addition, patients worry no more about taking wrong dose of medicine or taking it at the wrong time by setting a medication reminder through the app. Later, HA Go will also give patients instant access to their medical records, such as their health history, laboratory reports, radiology images and other important data.

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