Patient-friendly perspective says it all
New HA Board Member and senior counsel Ambrose Ho recollects indelible memory of seeing his young son hover between life and death and the care and dedication shown by the medical team fighting to save his life. Ho believes that delivering public healthcare service from a patient‑friendly perspective is key, as in solving any problem – see things from the user’s angle, think out of the box and get to the crux of a problem.
“My son suffered from an immune system problem when he was small,” recalls Ambrose. “When he was in Secondary One, he had a cold which led to encephalitis. He fell into a coma for more than two weeks and the doctor at the Prince of Wales Hospital told us the chances of him recovering, being left with disabilities, and not being able to see him again, were about one-third each. Seeing our son helpless on a drip, my wife and I lived in terror. But the medical team never gave up on him. The consultant doctor kept seeking the best treatment for my son by looking up overseas cases and journals; nurses counselled us when we felt anxious or upset; even the cleaner showed support.” Happily, his son eventually made full recovery and was discharged from the hospital but those traumatic weeks left a lifelong impression on Ambrose. “I am moved by their every kind deed and am so grateful for their selfless efforts,” he says.
Ambrose is Hospital Governing Committee chairman of the Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service in which he has served as a member since 2004. As an HA Board member, he hopes to champion blood transfusion drive, patient blood management and bone marrow transplantation service from a broader dimension.
As a person, he adheres to principles and considers it important to have the demeanour of a great leader in whatever circumstances. He believes his training as a barrister helps him stay calm, identify key issues, and give clear responses in case of doubts and criticisms.

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● Together we shall overcome challenges
● Patient-friendly perspective says it all
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