Behind the HA Go app icon
A design competition of HA Go app icon was held in November last year. A total of 169 entries were received from Head Office and clusters, highlighting everyone’s enthusiasm and creativity for the project. The winning logo was submitted by Mike Chow from the Strategy and Planning Division at Head Office who saw off a shortlist of 29 finalists. In Mike’s design, two circles combine to spell out the word ‘Go’ incorporating an HA logo with an arrow. The use of green in the icon conveys a sense of wellbeing, blending with the colour red, echoes with HA’s mission of helping people stay healthy.

● Filling the gap of doctor shortage
● In search of doctors with limited registration to relieve frontline stress
● Overseas returnees guard hospital frontline: case 1
● Overseas returnees guard hospital frontline: case 2
● How to ensure the standard of non-locally trained doctors?
● HA Go: an empowering app to manage one’s health
● Together we shall overcome challenges
● Patient-friendly perspective says it all
● Dr Nguyen’s secret way to reduce stress
● Mobile blood drive follows donor footprints
● New tools enhance staff communication
● Keep your phone going even in hospital
● Disaster relief helps victim cope with grief
● Prepare for the unpredictables