How to ensure the standard of non-locally trained doctors?
In order to ensure the standard of the recruited non-locally trained doctors working in HA, a Task Force on Limited Registration Scheme has been set up in HA to scrutinise the standard of recruitment. Inputs from respective Colleges of HKAM, as well as the Coordinating Committee of respective specialties and user departments in HA, will be sought in examining the qualification and experience of the applicants. After passing the screening by respective specialty panels, vetting by the Task Force on Limited Registration Scheme and interviews by user departments, HA will submit the applications of the selected candidates to the MCHK for approval.

● Filling the gap of doctor shortage
● In search of doctors with limited registration to relieve frontline stress
● Overseas returnees guard hospital frontline: case 1
● Overseas returnees guard hospital frontline: case 2
● How to ensure the standard of non-locally trained doctors?
● HA Go: an empowering app to manage one’s health
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