Page 55 - Hospital Authority Convention 2018
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Service Enhancement Presentations

               Poster Presentations

               F-P2  Staff Engagement and Empowerment

                Location  Name        Post         Institution           Topic of Presentation
                F-P2.1   AU Wai-man   Health      Administrative Services   Re-design of Workflow in Inpatient Record
                                      Information   Department, Queen Elizabeth   Management for Service Excellence with a Lean-
                                      and Records   Hospital             Kaizen Approach
                                      Manager I
                F-P2.2   CHAN Pak-hin   Associate   Orthopaedics and Traumatology,  Building Safety Culture via Staff and Patient
                         Alexander    Consultant  Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole   Engagement in Non-steroid Anti-inflammatory Drug
                                                  Hospital               Allergy Alert in Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital
                                                                         and Tai Po Hospital
                F-P2.3   CHAN Chung-sze  Advanced   Surgery, North District Hospital  Nursing in a New Era: Get Set from the Pathology
                         Angela       Practice Nurse                     Screening

                F-P2.4   CHAN Hau-yee  Advanced   Community Nurse Service,   Reduction of Incontinence Associated Dermatitis for
                                      Practice Nurse  United Christian Hospital  Private Old Age Home in United Christian Hospital:
                                                                         Pilot Programme

                F-P2.5   CHAN Miu-ching  Nurse    Medical, Queen Elizabeth   Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation Nurse Co-
                         Cecilia      Consultant  Hospital               coordinator as Frontline Facilitator to Make It Work

                F-P2.6   CHENG Lai-ping  Advanced   Medicine and Rehabilitation,   Magic of “Pointing and Calling” Practice for
                                      Practice Nurse  Tung Wah Eastern Hospital  Medication Safety in Tung Wah Eastern Hospital

                F-P2.7   CHIM Chun-king  Nurse    Department of Community   Upholding Quality – Our Voice on Pressure Injury
                                      Consultant  Outreach Services Team, Prince  Prevention
                                                  of Wales Hospital      “STOP Pressure Injury Day” in Seven Hospitals of
                                                                         New Territories East Cluster

                F-P2.8   CHAN Ching   Advanced    Family Medicine - Primary   Enhancement Staff Communication in General
                                      Practice Nurse  Health Care, Caritas Medical   Outpatient Clinics with Aid of Web Conference
                                                  Centre                 Device

                F-P2.9   CHOI Fung-ching  Advanced   Department of Surgery, Yan   Staff Mutual Training on Equipment
                         Kathy        Practice Nurse  Chai Hospital

                F-P2.10  CHOI Priscilla  Department   Neurosurgery, Queen Elizabeth   Cognitive Disorders Care Bundle for Inpatient
                                      Operations   Hospital              Settings at Kowloon Central Cluster

                F-P2.11  CHUEN Ying-to   Advanced   Department of Anaesthesia and  Impact of Interprofessional In-situ Simulation and
                         Jonathan     Practice Nurse  Intensive Care, Prince of Wales   Detection of Latent Safety Threats in the Operating
                                                  Hospital               Theatre

                F-P2.12  CHUNG Po-ling   Advanced   Department of Paediatrics and   A Continuous Quality Improvement Project in
                         Pauline      Practice Nurse  Adolescent Medicine, Pamela   Promoting Kangaroo Care in Neonatal Intensive Care
                                                  Youde Nethersole Eastern   Unit

                F-P2.13  HUI Hiu-hung   Radiographer I   X-Ray Department, Our Lady of  A Review of Radiation Dose of Full Field Digital
                         Rebecca                  Maryknoll Hospital     Mammography in Symptomatic Women Related to
                                                                         Age, Compression Force and Breast Size
                F-P2.14  IP Tung-fun Fanny Ward Manager  Medicine, Queen Mary Hospital  A Staff Engagement Programme to Prevent Patient
                                                                         Falls in Medical Wards of Queen Mary Hospital
                F-P2.15  KO Siu-hin   Associate   Family Medicine and General   A Tale of Two Teams
                                      Consultant  Outpatient Clinic, Queen
                                                  Elizabeth Hospital
                F-P2.16  KONG Sim-kwan  Advanced   Surgery, Queen Elizabeth   In-house Preceptorship Training Programme for   HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2018
                                      Practice Nurse  Hospital           Newly Graduated Nursing Staff in Department of
                                                                         Surgery, Queen Elizabeth Hospital
                F-P2.17  KWOK Sim-ching  Patient Safety   Quality and Safety, Alice Ho Miu  Protected Wall Sockets for Pharmaceutical
                         Belinda      Officer     Ling Nethersole Hospital  Refrigerators in Wards to Prevent Temperature
                                                                         Excursion in Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital
                                                                         and Tai Po Hospital

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