Page 60 - Hospital Authority Convention 2018
P. 60

Service Enhancement Presentations

            Poster Presentations

            F-P3  Clinical Safety and Quality Service I

             Location  Name        Post         Institution           Topic of Presentation
             F-P3.36  WONG Hsiao-  Advanced    Department of Orthopaedics   Standardise Charting System in Enhancing the
                      wah          Practice Nurse  and Traumatology/  Accuracy and Compliance of Documentation on the
                                               Gynaecology, Tseung Kwan O   Fluid and Balance Sheet
             F-P3.37  WONG Lai-ching  General Manager  Central Nursing Department,   Centralization of Formulae Milk Production in
                      Isadora      (Nursing)   The Duchess of Kent    Milk Kitchen of Queen Mary Hospital to Replace
                                               Children’s Hospital at Sandy   Preparation of Formulae Milk at Ward Environment
                                               Bay                    for Paediatric Patients in The Duchess of Kent
                                                                      Children’s Hospital at Sandy Bay
             F-P3.38  YAN Ka-shun   Advanced   Obstetrics and Gynaecology,   Continuous Quality Improvement Project on “Alert
                      Bonnie       Practice Nurse  Princess Margaret Hospital  and Aware of the Oxytocic Drug Prescription”

             F-P3.39  YEUNG Chun   Research    Surgery, Prince of Wales   The Effect of Converting the Surgical Ambulatory
                                   Assistant   Hospital               Care Centre into a 24-hour Inpatient Ward on Length
                                                                      of Stay at the Emergency Department among
                                                                      General Surgical Patients
             F-P3.40  YEUNG Wing   Advanced    Cardiothoracic Surgery, Queen   Effectiveness of New Care Bundle in Reducing Rate
                      -shan        Practice Nurse  Mary Hospital      of Driveline Infections among Patients with Left
                                                                      Ventricular Assist Device
             F-P3.41  YEUNG Yiu-   Consultant  Medicine and Geriatrics,   Simulation Training in Chest Drain insertion – A New
                      cheong                   Princess Margaret Hospital  Way to Improve Patient’s Safety

             F-P3.42  YIP Ho-ting   Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy Department,   Can Immediate Ambulation of Patients with Total
                                               Queen Mary Hospital    Knee Arthroplasty Reduce Hospital Length of Stay?

             F-P3.43  YIP Chun-kong   Associate   Family Medicine and Primary   Identifying Service Deficit, a Review on Use of Anti-
                      Sam          Consultant  Health Care, Tuen Mun   coagulant and CHADSVAS Score in Atrial Fibrillation
                                               Hospital               Patients in Primary Care Clinics

             F-P3.44  YUEN Suk-yin   Nurse     Accident and Emergency,   Improvement in Sepsis Management through
                      Margaret     Consultant  Pamela Youde Nethersole   Multidisciplinary Collaboration in the Accident and
                                               Eastern Hospital       Emergency Department of Pamela Youde Nethersole
                                                                      Eastern Hospital

             F-P3.45  YUNG Pollina   Advanced   Department of Surgery, Prince   Impact of SImulation-based Interprofessional Crew
                      Elaine       Practice Nurse  of Wales Hospital  Resource Management Training in Improving Team
                                                                      Performance in Cardiac Surgery Crisis: A Pilot Study
                                                                      of an Implementation Project

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