Page 56 - Hospital Authority Convention 2018
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Service Enhancement Presentations

            Poster Presentations

            F-P2  Staff Engagement and Empowerment

             Location  Name        Post         Institution           Topic of Presentation
             F-P2.18  NGAI Norma Tse- Physiotherapist   Physiotherapy Department,   A Review on the Efficacy of Patient Care Assistant
                      wai          II          Ruttonjee and Tang Shiu Kin   Training in Outpatient Physiotherapy Department –
                                               Hospitals              Can We Do More?

             F-P2.19  LAM Choi-ping  Advanced   Department of Surgery, Prince   Empowerment of Nurses through an Intensive
                                   Practice Nurse  of Wales Hospital  Training Programme of Total Parenteral Nutrition
                                                                      Therapy in Department of Surgery

             F-P2.20  LAU Wai-yung   Hospital   Cluster Facility Management,   To Deliver a Quality Facility Management Services
                      Margaret     Administrator I  Princess Margaret Hospital,   to Our Users via Participating in the Excellence in
                                               Kowloon West Cluster   Facility Management Award

             F-P2.21  LAW Chun-bon   Chief of Service  Cluster Office/Medicine and   Time Limited Trial for Life Sustaining Treatment
                      Alexander                Geriatrics, Princess Margaret   (Sincere Treatment Trial)

             F-P2.22  LEE Yee-chi  Associate   Anaesthesiology, Alice Ho Miu   The Effectiveness of a Multidisciplinary Integrated
                                   Consultant  Ling Nethersole Hospital  Back Pain Programme

             F-P2.23  LEUNG Chi-   Advanced    Intensive Care Unit, North   Critical Care Orientation Programme Staging System
                      kwong        Practice Nurse  District Hospital  in Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

             F-P2.24  LEUNG Ka-lun   Senior    Physiotherapy, Kowloon   Effective Structured Outpatient Physiotherapy Triage
                      Kenneth      Physiotherapist  Hospital          System for Rationing of Accessibility in Meeting
                                                                      Patients’ Need

             F-P2.25  LEUNG Pui-han  Ward Manager  Obstetrics and Gynaecology,   Implementation of Midwife-led Care in Postnatal
                                               Princess Margaret Hospital
             F-P2.26  LEUNG Yuk-wah   Associate   Intensive Care Unit, Pamela   Department-based Crew Resource Management
                      Natalie      Consultant  Youde Nethersole Eastern   (CRM) Training for Finance Services Division of the
                                               Hospital               Hong Kong East Cluster
             F-P2.27  LI Hoi-ling  Registered   Department of Surgery, North   Three-tier Wound Care Team Closes the Service Gap
                                   Nurse       District Hospital      of Departmental Wound Care Service

             F-P2.28  LUK Leung    Director    Nethersole Institute of   Healthcare Providers’ Experience of Clinical Incident
                      Andrew                   Continuing Holistic Health   in Hong Kong: Coping Strategies and Needs
                                               Education, Alice Ho Miu Ling
                                               Nethersole Charity Foundation
             F-P2.29  LO Pui-sze   Registered   Operating Theatre, Department  Using Adenosine Triphosphate Bioluminescence to
                                   Nurse       of Anaesthesia, Pamela Youde   Measure the Operating Room Cleanliness and to
                                               Nethersole Eastern Hospital  Deliver Improvement
             F-P2.30  NG Hiu-yim   Advanced    Department of Medicine and   Effect of a Palliative Care Initiative on End-of-life
                      Nancy        Practice Nurse  Geriatrics, United Christian   Care in Acute Medical Wards: A Six-year Experience

             F-P2.31  NGAN Hoi-tik  Registered   Department of Anaesthesia and  Perioperative Nursing Electronic Self-learning
                                   Nurse       Operating Theatre Services,   Platform
                                               Tseung Kwan O Hospital
             F-P2.32  POON Ho-yan   Clerk III  Nursing Department, Cheshire   An Innovation Programme to Enhance Staff
                      Homan                    Home, Chung Hom Kok    Engagement by Experience Inpatient’s Meal

             F-P2.33  POON Chui-yuk   Deputy   Department of Surgery, Shatin   Staff Engagement Programme of Improving Nursing
                      Mabel        Department   Hospital              Team Effectiveness to Manage Patient Deterioration
                                   Operations                         in Rehabilitation Setting

             F-P2.34  SO Hang-kwong   Consultant  Department of Anaesthesiology  Efficacy of Skill and Simulation Respiratory Training
                      Eric                     and Operating Theatre Services  Course with Specialty-specific Elements
                                               Multidisciplinary Simulation and
                                               Skills Centre, Queen Elizabeth

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